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They responded by waving eagerly at me. My people, they had given me so much.

“To my best friend, Kaitlyn, you are quite the dream friend. A friend everyone should have in their corner. Thank you for dreaming this with me and helping me bring it to life with your refreshing ideas. Your support means more to me than I can ever put into words. Thank you so much.”

She nodded from her position in the crowd beaming widely.

I acknowledged Kaitlyn for her support and finally, saving the best for the last, appreciated my fiancé Raymond for his unwavering strength and overwhelming support.

Saying the word fiancé sent my heart racing with joy and the crowd let out an enthusiastic applause as I gingerly walked down the podium in my new Jimmy Choos.

My parents got to me first. “Oh my baby, I’m so proud of you.” Mom poured out with a glimmer of tears in her eyes, Dad was staring at me with so much pride that I threw myself into their arms as they enveloped me in a warm hug.

“I did it, Mom and Dad. I did it.”

“Yes, baby girl. You were amazing.” Dad brushed a kiss on my forehead, holding me tight.

“How did he convince you both to come, though?” I asked curiously drawing apart and studying their faces.

“Let’s just say we were curious to see the man that made our daughter’s voice light up during our phone conversations,” Dad teased

My eyes filled again. “I love you both. So much.”

“We love you too, sugar. Now go meet that young man and don’t keep him waiting.” Mom disentangled from our embrace and gave me the go-ahead.

I searched the crowd again and there he was, a little distance ahead of me staring at me so intently and walking towards me with a heated gaze that I felt the shivers run up my spine, and my body tingled in anticipation. I walked slowly and purposefully towards him, meeting him halfway in a run as he scooped me off the floor and lifted me high above him.

“I heard someone needed to leave this place for an emergency. Would that by chance be you?”

“Well, I was but I think I’ve changed my mind. Might as well wait until the end of the event, after all, it would be rude to leave our guests behind.” I teased with a straight face, deliberately avoiding his eyes.

“Not if I have a say in this,” He growled as he latched up to me and carried me in his arms out of the ballroom and into the waiting car.

I caught Kaitlyn’s eyes as we left the hall, and she winked at me making a lewd gesture with her body. I gasped in laughter, shaking my head at her antics and marveling at the gift of good people I had around me. People who would move the world for me.

“Where to?” Raymond asked as we settled into the limo his gaze raking my body hungrily.

“Anywhere, as long as it’s by your side,” I replied with a heated gaze of my own.

“Drive to my villa.” He ordered as he reached for me cradling my face in his arms and kissing me deeply. “I want to eat you up so thoroughly and make love to you so often that you’ll never be able to get rid of me from your skin.”

“Patience my love,” I whispered, my lips on his jaw drawing feathery kisses.

“We have forever and forever is a long time.”

“Ah yes, forever.”
