Page 10 of Kissing My Crush

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It’s then I watch her look all around us and quickly straighten up trying her best to back away from me.

Only I don’t let her go. “Like I said we can do this here or take a walk, you choose.”

I notice her swallow hard, her throat bobbing and then she looks back at me and takes a slow deep breath. “Walk,” she says, and I nod, leading her away from the bar and all the curious stares.

I guide her outside onto the terrace that overlooks the water. She walks toward the railing and places her hands on the top rail and looks out, still not looking at me.

“Can you look at me?”

I notice the way she worries her lower lip and then slowly turns herself to face me.

“I don’t like this,” I confess feeling like the two of us are nothing more than strangers. We’ve known each other for years, there has never been this strange awkwardness when we are around one another. It’s normally relaxed and if anything, comfortable.

“Can we please just get past this and admit that the kiss wasn’t a drunken mistake?” I step in closer, “It was something Mar, you know it and so do I.” I rub my hand along her shoulder and down her arm, until I reach her hand. Threading my fingers through hers, I watch as she works it all out in her head. That is one thing she is really good at, overanalyzing, worrying herself sick and thinking through every,what if,that is possible.

“I’m not saying I don’t feel something,” I’m surprised at her confession. I figured I’d have to drag it out of her. “But what I am saying is that I’m afraid of what will happen if I admit it.”

I tug her closer and place my hand on her hip, the softness of her dress feeling like silk against my palm.

“Our lives are too intertwined on a daily basis for this between us to backfire.” Amara bites at the inner part of her lip and I fight the urge to kiss away her worry.

“What makes you think it will backfire?”

“What makes you think it won’t?” She counters and the corner of her mouth tips upward as she tries to fight her smile.

“What I think is that the kiss we shared was cut too short.” Again I move in a little closer. “I also think that you’re doing that thing you do.”

“What thing?” When she tries to create some distance between us I hold her tightly making it impossible for her to escape.

“Thewhat if’s, instead of the good,” She seems slightly surprised by my words. “You run through every possible scenario you can, listing in your mind every bad outcome and not even considering for a second that this thing between us could be good, very good.”

“Now you’re being cocky again,” dipping my chin, so I get a good look at her eyes, Amara’s palm presses against my chest. “This is a bad idea.”

“I don’t have bad ideas,” closing the last amount of distance between us, bringing my mouth closer to hers. “Honestly I think kissing you will be the best idea I’ve had in a long time.”

“Kissing me?”

“Yeah,” there is little space left between us, “I’m gonna kiss you.”

She holds my stare and when I notice she doesn’t try to move away I take that as my sign to proceed.

The second my lips touch hers; she fists my shirt and I glide my tongue along the seam of her lips. Feeling her tongue glide over mine I squeeze her hip tighter, pulling her body completely against mine. She moans into our kiss.

“Told you this wasn’t a bad idea.”

“It’s the worst idea,” Amara says and the sound of someone laughing filters out the door, breaking the moment. Suddenly she is stepping back and pressing her fingers to her lips.

“We should get back inside,” without waiting for me to respond Amara is walking back inside, leaving me staring after her once again.



I woke up this morning still feeling Tyler’s lips on mine. I swear his kisses are burned into my memory. The slight burn of his whiskers, the glide of his tongue. It’s all an overload on my senses.

“You were moaning in your sleep.” Lorelei says with a yawn. “You must have been having some pretty naughty dreams.”

I don’t respond but my cheeks instantly heat.
