Page 15 of Kissing My Crush

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“Mar,” peeking through a blanket of hair I see both Liam and Tyler looking back at me, smiling. “You were snoring.”

“I was not.” I narrow my eyes at Liam, and he chuckles.

“Ty help me out here,” I look at Ty only to look away quickly. “She was snoring like a trucker.”

“Hate to tell you sweetheart, but he isn’t lying.”

I blow the hair out of my face and sit up. “I hate you both,” I shove open the door and ignore their laughter as it follows me.

Liam gets out of the car followed by Tyler and the trunk pops open. I hurry to gather my bag and Tyler reaches in to take it from me. “I got it,” I assure him, tossing it quickly over my shoulder.

“Can we talk about last night?” He asks this in a hushed whisper, and I look for Liam to ensure he can’t hear us.

“Not now,” I shake my head.

“Then when?”

“Do we need to?” His brow furrows. “I assume you want to say it shouldn’t have happened, or it was nice, but it can’t happen again.”

“Oh yeah,” he stares back at me, giving away no signs that I’m right or wrong about my assumptions.

“It’s okay, you don’t have to nurse my wounded heart or whatever. It’s fine, I’m fine, it happened, we're good.” I wave him off and Liam steps into view holding his phone in his hand.

“There’s a big barn fire just outside of town,” he looks up at Tyler who is now staring back at him. “Cap is looking for some free hands, wanna go?”

I remain between the two of them looking back and forth until Tyler closes the trunk and steps back. “Let’s go.”

Liam quickly tucks his phone in his pocket, reaches out and grabs the back of my neck pulling me in for a hug before kissing the top of my head all brotherly. “See ya later, Mar Mar.” And with that he is moving toward the driver's side of his car.

“Be careful,” I say in the awkward silence as Tyler continues to watch me.

“Do me a favor.”


“Stop trying to read my thoughts, because you are really bad at it.” He winks and reaches out to tap the end of my nose with his finger. “This conversation isn’t over.” He slowly starts to back away, that sly grin of his making me realize that I may have bit off way more than I can chew with this man.

Then he’s gone, climbing into the passenger seat before they are both taking off toward the fire.



“Have you seen Amara since we’ve been back?” I try to act casual as I grab the end of the hose and start to roll it tight.

I notice Liam pause out of the corner of my eye and wait for what I know is about to come. The inquisition, the drilling me for information I honestly don’t have but would like to have myself.

“What’s going on with you two?”

“Not sure I know what you mean?” Because I have no fucking clue, its good, it confusing, then its nonexistent all in the same fucking hour. She’s all over the place, letting me kiss her one-second, to having a fantastic night together, then telling me next, that it was nothing but a drunken reaction to our sadness. I swear after last week I have whiplash.

“Well, let me see,” Liam stands tall and places his hands on his hips. “The entire ride to the resort you two acted strange, then we got there, and I hear all about you having interest in her and she kissed you. Then you spend a night with some unknown girl in our suite,” He shrugs. “Not to mention the ride home with you two was weird as fuck and here you are now asking if I’ve seen my cousin that lives in the same town as both of us and has a salon only a few streets over from the station. So, that’s what I mean by what is going on with you two?”

Yep, I should have kept my shit securely tucked away.

“That is the shit I’m worried about when it comes to the two of you. You’re the guy that shops around weekly, you never make anything last longer than a night or two with any woman and I don’t want Amara hurt.”

His opinion of me pisses me off. I was seconds away from admitting what happened with Amara and I but, fuck that.
