Page 23 of Kissing My Crush

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She laughs when he gives her a rub of his knuckles over her hair. She moves back quickly and it's Coleton that places his hands on her back to keep her from stumbling backwards. Instantly I hate seeing his hands on her, but reacting now will get me nowhere, so I look away.

Lifting my beer once more I down the remaining liquid and motion for another.

“Can I get one of those?” I shift slightly, finding Amara has made her way to my side now. Placing her hand on my arm, I’m surprised by the gesture, but don’t question it. The warmth of her body as she leans against my side is unexpected but very welcomed.

Just then the bartender sets the beer I asked for down and I nod indicating I need another as I grab the bottle and pass it to Amara.

“You can have this one,” I grin when she accepts and lifts the bottle, placing it to her lips. Her throat bobs as she takes a drink, and I can’t pull my eyes away.

Why had I never noticed how gorgeous she is? Why had she been right under my nose for years and I was to stupid or blind to notice?

When the bartender passes me the next beer, I pull out money and toss it on the bar top, telling him to keep the change.

“Hey,” I hear a feminine voice from behind me, accompanied by a hand on my shoulder. Before I turn I see a shift in Amara’s expression, and she starts to back away.

Glancing back it takes me a few seconds to put it together and then my stomach drops. “I thought that was you.”

The girl from the warehouse fire, the one that practically dove into my arms, as I was walking away once it was out. I was so shocked by the entire thing that I froze and patted her on the back awkwardly as I looked around for anyone to help me. Instead of her catching on to my unease she dug in deeper and placed her head on my chest.

And of course that’s the moment the news crews start snapping images.

Pictures can be deceiving, and no one managed to pick up on how bad I wanted out of that situation.

“I want to thank you again for everything you did,” she adds, sliding her hand down my arm, before pausing on my forearm.

“We were only doing our job,” I look toward Liam and Coleton, silently begging for help but neither of them bite. Instead they’re both staring at me with smiles on their faces. Obviously enjoying the show, I wanted no part of it.

“So can I buy you a drink?” The woman asks and I smile politely.

“Actually my girlfriend and I just got ourselves one.” Without thinking I reach out and hook Amara’s waist and pull her in close to my body. I ignore the stiffness she offers and turn to look at her. Lifting my brows hoping she catches on and follows my lead.

“Your boyfriend is a hero.” The woman adds and I silently pray she ends this and walks away. “Handsome too,” She adds, and I offer Amara’s hip a tighter squeeze.

“He is,” Mar finally jumps in and relief washes over me.

“Well, you all enjoy your night,” finally she removes her hand from my arm, and I find myself wondering why she’d left it there so long. “You’ll have to let me offer my appreciation in another way maybe.”

What the fuck?

“Not necessary,” please go away.

“Have a good night,” she says before pointing to Amara. “You better hold onto this one tight.”

“Desperate much?” Amara whispers as she finally walks away from us. Coleton and Liam pick that moment to start laughing.

“Thanks for the help, assholes.”

“What’s up with you Ty, on any other day you’d be leading her outside so she can thank you properly.” Amara flinches at Coleton’s words.

Again she tries to back away, only I don’t let her.

When I don’t bite back Liam and Coleton get back to their conversation about the game on the television and I hold Amara’s stare.

“Don’t let me stop you from enjoying yourself,” she looks toward the door that the woman exited through.

“You are one stubborn ass woman,” I relax my grip on her but have no intentions of allowing her to escape. “The only person I have the desire to enjoy myself with is you.”

Her chest rises as she takes in a deep breath. “I’ve called, texted, even driven by your place a few times” Her expression does not falter, she keeps her lips pressed in a firm line. “But here we are still dancing around this thing between us.”
