Page 60 of Kissing My Crush

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I nod, unable to speak, moving my hips upward to meet his. I can tell he is getting close, his jaw tensing and the look in his eyes getting more and more intense. His eyelids drooping, his mouth gaping open.

It's so incredibly sexy to see him fall apart.

“I’m close,” Tyler practically growls the word in a low rumble. “So close, Mar.”

Just seeing him in this state sets off my own desires and that mixed with the way he moves his hips, hitting the perfect spot within me, I ignite.

He’s the one that groans out so loudly, I swear the windows rattle and his entire body tenses, then he trembles, laying his body over mine.

The both of us breathing heavy, our hearts racing and each sticky from a sheer layer of sweat.

It’s blissful, the perfect moment until a loud banging starts on the door.

“Holy hell you two there are other people in this cabin. Virgin ears, and this is exactly the activity that got you two in the situation you are in now. Go to sleep!” Leah’s voice echoes over the cabin and I bury my face against Tyler’s chest.

“I told you that you had to be quiet,” he says in a whisper.

“Um, you sir were the loud one, not me.” I correct him and he wrinkles his brow. “You roared like a grizzly."

He chuckles, “That my beautiful girl, is all your fault.” Before I can argue with him he is kissing me and every single thing that may have been floating around in my mind disappears.

All I feel is him, truly feel him.

* * *

I wake to the smell of coffee and bacon. Lying in bed I take in a deep breath, my stomach growling instantly. I’ve been pretty lucky, not having much morning sickness. It’s more if I allow myself to get too hungry I get sick, so I feel like the last few days I’ve been munching constantly.

Looking back I can remember a few instances over the last several weeks of feeling light headed and nauseous and I chalked it up to nerves. Now I know the true reason. Next week I will find out how far along but for now, since Tyler and I haven’t been careful and there are two separate occasions that I’ve forgotten to take my pill. I’m unsure which time led us to the now, but we’d soon find out.

Climbing out of bed, I throw on a sweatshirt and my sleep shorts.

Making my way out of the bedroom I find Tyler standing at the stove, Leah and Lauren moving around alongside him, cooking. Claire is sitting at the kitchen table drinking a cup of coffee and staring down at her phone.

“Morning sunshine,” Claire offers a smile and I pause, as each one of them turn around to look at me.

Tyler doesn’t waste a minute before moving toward me and kissing me softly. “Juice,” he points at the counter, “toast.”


“Juice,” he corrects.

“Really?” He is going to be that guy. The one that drives me insane throughout the entire pregnancy.

“Coffee and then juice,” I narrow my eyes on him.

“Juice over coffee,” he counters, making me laugh.

“You are a pain in the ass.”

“As are you,” he kisses the tip of my nose and then steps back, sliding the juice closer and going back to cooking at the stove.

I roll my eyes but take the orange juice and join Claire. Finding her smiling at me. “Just a few months back you were talking about how you’d never tell him how you felt. Now here you are carrying his baby and screwing each other's brains out in my parents cabin.”

“Shh,” I look back to find no one paying attention. Glancing back at my best friend I can’t help the wide grin on my face as I sip my juice and feel like I’m literally floating on top of the world.


