Page 17 of Before We Came

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“Your date leave?” Conway asks.

“Yeah. But I’m really fucking glad I got her number.” I waggle my phone in my hand.

He smiles as if he’s relieved someone else finally grasps what he’s been trying to explain to us for the last couple of years. None of us could understand a woman, much less a bunny, holding that kind of space, but I’m understanding some of his behavior lately.

“When you meet someone that makes you feel something again, it hits different,” he says.

It really does.

* * *

Less than ten minutes later, my phone vibrates.

Gray: Hot Guy From The Bar, eh?

A smile explodes onto my face.There’s my girl.

Me: I wanted to make sure you knew it was me. ??

Gray: Actually... you’ve been re-saved as PB&J.

Me: Lol perfect. Likely the only time I’ll be remembered for my culinary skills.

Me: Did you already go home? I was hoping I could at least say goodnight.

Gray: I’m staying at the hotel. Wanna come up?

Gray: You don’t have to say goodnight.

For once, I didn’t see that coming.

Me: You think you can handle the 50 Shades of PB&J?

Gray: PenisBalls&Jizz?

What the fuck? And yes, please.

Me: You’re disgusting.

Me: Wanna get married?

Gray: Room 804

Fuck, this girl is cool. And what’s better, I’m fairly positive she doesn’t know who I am. I’ve hit the lottery! It’s a completely organic hookup with no pretenses. I check myself in the bathroom and grab a few mints from the restaurant before I head up to her room. It’s so unusual for me to feel nervous. In the elevator, I select her floor, lighting up the beautiful round eight button. This feels like an early Christmas present, though I didn’t do anything to deserve it this year. I step off the elevator and start down her hallway.

I told myself I would stop sleeping around and find something more stable. But what’s more stable than actually liking who you fuck? Baby steps are still steps. I don’t even care if we just hang out and talk all night. I’ll have a good time either way. When was the last time I said that about a woman? I can’t remember.

804. Here we go. I reach out to knock but stop half an inch short of the door. This is unlike my typical hotel hookups—if that’s even what this is. Do I know how tojusthang out with a woman I’m attracted to? If she makes a move on me, there’s going to be nothing to hold me back. I open my wallet and check for a condom. All set.

I knock twice.

When she opens the door, I already know I’m done for. She’s in thin pajama pants and a white shirt that is nearly see-through. No bra. I’m putting my money on hookup rather than hangout.

“Well, look who it is,” she purrs, opening the door wider for me.

“Hey.” It comes out deeper than I intend. My sex voice is activated the second I see her peaked nipples through her shirt.

“Nice PJs.” I bite my lip.So nice.
