Page 64 of Before We Came

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I miss her too.

Evidence Item #175

Submitting Agent: Tim Rollins

Case Number: NF-2000-PR-0856478

Item #: 175

Description of Enclosed Evidence: Journal, 2016

Victim’s Full Name: Bridget Lynn Hayes

Suspect’s Full Name: Julianne Katheryn Fournier

April 2, 2016

I need another vacation. Life can be so dull around here. Birdie has asked to go, but vacations are for me. Anytime we go do anything, all anyone talks about are her looks. Why would I want to hear that on MY vacation?

She says she wants to go to college. Truthfully, I don’t even know if any college would accept her, but I’m too kind to say anything. Besides, then who would be here to take care of me? She wouldn’t want to leave me. She should just get another job instead. We could use an income boost around here.


As I step out of the shower, my parents’ doorbell rings. I peek out the bathroom window, no news vans.Phew.I pick out my favorite outfit to wear because I get to celebrate my real birthday today. My hair and makeup have cooperated today, so I know it will be a good day. I walk down the stairs and my mom tells me there’s a delivery for me in the kitchen, so I turn the corner to see what it is andwhoa.

There’s an enormous bouquet of red roses. I’ve never received flowers like this before. A girl’s first roses feels like a big deal. And there are thirty of them because, today, I’m thirty. Two years older than Julianne led me to believe. I feel like I missed two years of my life, but at least I’m truly where I’m meant to be.

I pull the small card from the envelope:

Happy 30th Birthday, Little Bird.

There are so many memories I want to make with you.

See you soon.


I read it three times and then slip the card into my pocket as my mom walks around the corner. She whistles at the bouquet.

“Now that’s how you do it. Who are they from?” As if she doesn’t know.


“Smart boy,” she says. “Those aren’t friend flowers. Anything you want to tell me?”

“I like him.” I bite my bottom lip. “The timing isn’t great, but—”

“He has a kind heart, so be good to him.” She’s my mother, but it’s wonderful to see her protective over him. Even if he was a playboy, she trusted him to take care of me, which speaks volumes. I’ve gone almost two weeks without seeing him. When I get back, I plan on being very good to him.

* * *

This is one of the best birthdays I’ve ever had. Not only did Lonan send me thirty long-stemmed roses, he flew my best friend out to see me. That man is incredible. When she walked in the front door, I screamed.

We’ve been lounging around and getting caught up on everything. School is going great for her, and she’s set to graduate in a couple months.

“You should move here, Mick. I mean it. We could get an apartment together and work in the city. It would be so much fun!” I squeak, still bathing in the high of being with my best friend again.

“It’s cute that you think Lonan would let you live with me.” She takes a sip of her bourbon. “That dude is gonna wife you.”
