Page 37 of Strong and Wild

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She purses her lips, trying not to smile, and her eyes flicker with something sinful. If we ever get to move past this resentment and do something about the tension between us, I will take my time reminding her how much we once liked each other.

“You’re ridiculous. This doesn’t get you out of giving me an actual apology for being such an asshole. Or for lying to me.”

“You’re right. I’m sorry.”

She watches me expectantly with one raised eyebrow. If she’s looking for more than that, she’ll be waiting a long time.

“Anything else?” She prods.


“Wow. You suck at apologies.”

I shrug. I’m not all that sorry. Getting to know her was worth it.

“I don’t know what kind of point you’re trying to make here. You’re really gonna spend your Monday night putting together furniture with me?”

“If that’s what it takes to knock that hard-as-fuck chip of your shoulder.”

“My chip is valid,” she mutters as she pads into the living room among the forest of cardboard. “I don’t understand what’s happening here. Is this you trying to be friends, or do you just want to clear your conscience so you can sleep at night?”

“Can’t it be both?”

“I have no idea who you are. Is this Jekyll or Hyde? Hat Trick Swayze or my dickknob neighbor?”

“Can’t it be both?”

“No! It can’t. Give me that instruction packet.” She waves her hand toward the sofa.

“We don’t need instructions.” I ignore her request and remove the upholstered pieces from some boxes.

“I want to make sure you’re not doing it wrong.”

I throw the instructions at her.Gah, she’s annoying.I remind myself this is the same woman who cleaned up my sister’s literal shit last night, and take a deep breath.Well, well, well, if it isn’t the consequences of my actions.

She unfolds the assembly manual until it’s a map bigger than she is. Behind the paper, she grumbles, “I can put together my own furniture, you know.”

“I know you can, babe. But I’ve also put this sofa together once before, so I can tell you from experience, it’s a lot easier with a friend.”

“There’s that word again...” she says on a sigh, turning the map of instructions around.

I throw up my hands. She’s insufferable.

“God, talking to you is like pulling teeth. Fuck, you’re guarded! How come you were so open with me when we chatted online?”

The flash in her eyes tells me she’s ready to fight now. Makes me wonder what the hell we were doing before.Yikes.

“You pulled the rug out from under me! I don’t know who you are at all! In person you barely acknowledge me, and when you do, it’s just to provoke or cut me down. You’re an asshole. I wish you never would’ve subscribed to me.”

Oooh, she’s bad for my blood pressure.I clench my jaw.

“I’m an asshole because I don’t want to be involved with you!” I bark.

“Wow, fuckin’, Dick Tracy, everyone.” She scoffs and shakes her head. “I’mwellaware you don’t want involvement with me. You have made that very obvious at almost every interaction. Which brings me back to my question: Why. The. Fuck. Are. You. Here?” She punctuates each word with a clap.

“I didn’t mean it like that. I can’t stop this attraction for you. But I wish I could,” I say, yanking out more boards and sending the empty cardboard box sailing across the room.

Her face scrunches, and she rubs the wrinkle between her brows. “Oh my God. We’re going in circles. Nevermind.” Her attention returns to the two boards she’s putting together.
