Page 17 of Not In The Proposal

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“Okay, so Mia is about to be deported-”

“Come again?”

“She’s being deported, Alex,” I said a little louder, placing heavy emphasis on the very last word. “Her work visa expired and she has to leave in like two days.”

“What the actual fuck, Reid?” she gasped. “Isn’t there something you could do?”

“Believe me,” I sighed, sinking into the chaise lounge beside my coat, “I’ve tried. I had Warren on it and we even went to Immigrations today. Little foot note: don’t ever go there.”

“Focus, Reid, what’s happening with Mia?”

I shook my head a little, grateful that Alex kept me on track while my mind ran a mile a minute.

“We’re getting married.”

The only sound that echoed down the line was the steady crackle of static for a few seconds.



“Did you hear what I said?”

“You’re marrying Mia, uh huh,” she deadpanned. “I heard you.”

More silence.

“So, what do you think?” I pushed, my gut twisting anxiously.

“You already started this conversation saying that you knew what I would say.” Alex sniffed. “Do you really wanna hear what I have to say?”

“Actually, yeah-”

“Good, because this is dumb.”

“Oh, come on, Alex!” I insisted, toeing the line between urgency and desperation. “It’s an excellent idea and you know it. I can’t afford to lose Mia and she’ll waste her time and talent trying to reapply. Where is the downside?”

“The law, Reid,” she drawled.

“The law doesn’t have to know,” I scoffed. “Jesus, it’s not like we’re working for some gang or drug dealers! I just don’t want to have my executive assistant, the person who pretty much helps merunDawnStar, to be halfway across the world!”

“You also want to get Lady Voss off your back,” Alex accused, her tone turning playful, as if she’d just realized this bit of information. “That’s what’s motivating you, too.”

“You could say that,” I admitted shamelessly. “She keeps pestering me to meet with Daniella and I’m sick of it.”

“You know,” Alex said thoughtfully, “one phone call from Taylor and I bet Daniella would never ever try to contact you again.”

“You have a point,” I mumbled. “In any case, I’m still waiting for Mia’s answer because she asked for time to think things through. Which, you know, is understandable considering I don’t even know if she ever wanted to get married.”

“Then why did you even call me about this?” Alex asked, the confusion in her voice evident.

I took a breath. “Because if she agrees to marry me and we end up getting married,” I said, picking at a loose thread on one of my buttons. “Then I want you to be the witness at the court tomorrow.”

Chapter 6

Tying the Legal Knot

