Page 15 of Lovesick

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“Stop fucking kicking, Maude! You’re only making this harder!” I don’t stop fighting. The minute I do, I lose. Mother will have completely taken away my power, stripped me of the comfort of my blood.

The wounds around my ankles make her grip slide, covering my shins with the sticky red substance. It has my limb sliding out of her hands easier, but she keeps me still once her nails burrow into the open slices.

With screams echoing around the chamber, I give in to her demands, frozen in my fighting. The heavy metal of the restraints tightens over my lesions, squeezing them shut.

“Maybe now you’ll listen to me when I tell you to let him go.”

Dragging those cuffs over to her now, I think about how wrong she went about it. Maybe, had she let me grieve the sudden loss of love, I would have gotten over it eventually. But the more she hated me, the more she fought to have me abandon my feelings as she did, the more I needed to be back. The more I needed him.

Mother doesn’t feel it as I close the first shackle around her ankle, but by the time I get the other one underneath her skin, she redirects her fury onto me. Her claws swish through the air as her swing comes inches from my face. The chains around her wrists don’t give her much slack, so I’m not worried about dodging her waving hands while I force her foot into the concrete.

The second snap is quieter than the first, impaling her skin as it gets caught in the latch. Her scream rattles my heart around my chest. It’s the first time I lash out, striking her in the jaw with the back of my hand. “Maybe next time you won’t move.” Surprise radiates through her silence as she cups her swelling mouth.

Smiling, I back away, careful not to step on Jim on my way to the water heater.

“You didn’t really teach me much in life, but this? This was a good tip.” Yanking on the chains, I drag her limbs as far as possible, practically lifting her off the ground as I wrap the iron around stray pipes. Testing the strength of the restriction, I bounce my finger along the links, pleased with the amount of tension winding through the metal.

“Comfortable?” Mother can barely move through the pull on her body. With her neck angled awkwardly against the wall, she hisses my name. Her hands are suspended high above her head, wrists bent against the cuffs, while her legs struggle to break free of the chain's unrelenting grip. Stalking forward, I picture my uncle's face hovering above my shoulder.

“Good girl,”I can almost hear him whisper. His fingers deep inside my body while his other hand wraps around my throat. He would be so proud of me now, behaving just as he taught me.

Pride beams from me as I near Mother’s extended legs. Lifted and slightly parted, I reach underneath her lacy purple nightgown, tearing the thin fibers of the scrap of fabric she calls panties before tossing them into the darkness. Inhaling through her nose, Mother begins to pant, sputtering my name through a clenched jaw.

“Be still for me,” I whisper, pressing a kiss to her quaking lips. “I’m going to show you what it really means to be a Greene.” Those same words were spoken to me. They’re what changed my tears into sobs. My pleasure to need.

She asked me not to touch her. So fine, I won’t.

Sliding Jim’s finger out of my waistband, I start at her ankle, swirling his digit around her shaking bone until her sputters morph into breathless pants. I inhale those gasps, mindlessly turning her fear into the same pleasure I endured. “This is what I felt the first night you left me behind. Only, it was warm… vicious.” I make my way up her flesh, tracing my uncle’s name across her skin as I approach the hem of her gown. Goosebumps follow the pattern I created, marking his name on her body.

For a moment, I forget why I’m doing this, distracted and enraged by seeing what should be on me, on her. I tried to do it once, carve him into my bones. But Mother caught me before I could finish, beating me hard enough to leave me motionless for days.

She was never kind to me. Never loving or gentle. So why am I giving her the courtesy of being tender? When has she ever deserved my compassion?

The reminder of our history has me shedding whatever warmth I had left. She isn’t worth it.

My mother will never be a Greene.

But first, with my lips pressed against her ear, tongue tasting the sweat collecting on its shell, I hiss, “Just know, all of this is your doing. You could have had so much more.”

With my tongue licking across her flesh, I shove Jim’s finger between her thighs. I swallow the scream that rips from her throat, tasting its potency with my tongue before latching on to her bottom lip. A burst of blood enters my mouth, and it’s the closest I’ve come to tasting him in years. I could drink all of it. I’m tempted to do just that, take the blade from my panties, slice open the pulsing vein in her neck, and let myself drown.

But I’m tired of cleaning messes.

I’ll just flood myself with her panicked yelps instead.

“This is what you wanted, right, Mother? Strange men’s fingers inside your body instead of those born of your blood. Tell me, who can love you better than those made of the same substance?” She doesn’t respond. Her voice is too preoccupied with its screams and cries to pay attention to anything coming out of my mouth.

Annoyed, I slap my hand over her mouth, pinching her nose in the process. “You scream for this? I’ve seen what those men do to you. I’ve seen what you’ve endured.This? This is nothing.”

Huffing against my hand, Mother fights her restraints, doing everything she can to get away from me, but she fails. Instead, the chains rock her harder into my palm, shoving Jim’s finger so deep, I lose my grip. “Oops. One moment.” Slipping two fingers inside her heat, I fish around for the digit, pushing it deeper before I dig my nails into the damp flesh. “I got it.”

Her tears and hyperventilating breaths are soaking my palm, making it hard to keep my grip on her jolting face. I’ve grown bored trying to make her see, trying to force her to feel. I’ve already determined this is pointless. She isn’t worth the Greene name.

Sliding the digit from her center, I force her face in my direction. “Look at me, Mother…. I said,look at me!” Instantly, her shut lids fly open, stunning me with those green speckles once again. The air around us grows thick with unsaid words, but neither of us has to speak to know what passes between us.

“All I wanted was love. All you wanted was this. So here, it’s yours.” I glide the finger out of her core before I let my hand fall. As expected, her mouth drops open, inhaling a gust of air before her bellow rings out. It only takes a second for me to slip Jim’s finger out and shove it down her gaping throat.

“You can choke on it.”
