Page 8 of Lovesick

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“I want to try something before we finish.”

“Anything for you.” It’s the first time tonight I consider that I made a mistake. I disappear from the hallway, into my room, before he can mutter what he wants to try.

Closing the door as softly as I can, I race to collect my thoughts, strengthening my mind and reminding myself why I’m doing all this to begin with. I only get half accomplished before Mother comes barreling into my room. Her mouth opens, ready to speak, but her eyes fall to my bare legs, then my nearly exposed center.

“This is your fucking fault, isn’t it?”

“What is?” I ask, feigning ignorance.

Snarling, Mother stomps forward, whipping her hand back to give me one hard slap to the cheek before yanking me close. “He wants us.Bothof us.”

“What do you mean?” She sees right through my bullshit, slapping the other side of my face before sagging under the weight on her shoulders.

“This one is different, Maude. He really is, so please just… follow orders.” This moment of vulnerability between my mother and me tilts my world on its axis. I can handle it when she screams, whips, and punches, but kindness? It stuns me, springing to life the hope that I maybe I won’t have to break her to get what I need.

Mulling over these new emotions, she takes my hand and leads me back into the hallway, our feet dragging before she tosses me inside the room. When the bedroom door slams shut, shaking the house’s foundation, that little glimpse of warmth, that hint of affection, vanishes.

Spinning around, I open my mouth to question what’s going on, when my mother hisses, “Keep your mouth fucking shut. I don’t want to hear a thing out of you.”

Just like that, whatever hope had already blossomed inside me dies, and so does any remaining sympathy I had for the woman who birthed me.

Halting in the middle of the room, I glare into her pitch-black gaze, losing every word on the tip of my tongue. She doesn’t smile in victory or laugh because, for once, I have nothing to say. Instead, Mother takes a step forward, dropping her fake fur robe onto the floor as she climbs to join Jim on the bed.

Jim can’t contain his excitement for whatever is coming, bouncing his knees on the bed like a sugar-rushed child. “Get your naughty little ass over here. I want you to do something.”

I don’t move. My feet are cemented to the floor while my eyes bore into his. Now I realize what was so wrong about them. This entire night, I couldn’t figure out why looking at them made me sick. It has nothing to do with them not being my uncle’s. It’s because I see the foul rot of his soul shining in the blue.

“Maude. Get over here.Now.”

Mother rises on her elbows, staring contemptuously between the two of us before repeating herself sternly.

“No.” The word barely passes my lips, but I feel it in every cell in my body. My mother, she’s failed me in more ways than I can count; she kept me from family, abused me, let her boyfriends into my body, and blamed me for it. My mother has done so much damage, but this is the first time I’ve felt betrayal.

And it’s all I need for any hesitancy to die.

Jim insists louder the second time, attempting to spring from the mattress, over my mother’s open legs, to jump to me on the floor. Before he can move an inch, Mother slams her hands on his chest, keeping him pinned in place behind her. “This can be very,veryhard or extremely easy, Maude. Get your ass over here and listen. Don’t make this any longer than it has to be.”

Mother falls silent after her threat, observing me with cautious eyes before leaning back against his rapidly rising chest. I ignore his exhilarated gaze, focusing instead on the hatred she directs my way while I finally close the distance between us.

As Mother’s glare darkens with each step I take, Jim’s shine. His pupils completely eclipse his irises while his erection presses against my mother’s spine.

Palming himself, Jim grabs me when I’m within reach, throwing my mother across the bed before shoving me in between her open legs. I smell his breath before I feel it wafting behind my neck. The heady, musky scent of her arousal taints his lips while he whispers vicious, foul words into my ear. “I want to see your ass in the air when you get on your knees to eat her cunt.”


“Do it, Maude, and maybe I won’t fucking flay you for touching my man.”

Swiftly, Mother shoots her hand forward, wrapping her bony fingers into my roots. I’m twisted around and shoved to my knees once the words leave her lips. It doesn’t take Jim long to fist his hard cock. I watch it bounce in my peripheral while Mother angrily waits with her legs wide. I choke back the cry sitting on my lips as the bones in my chest shatter, choosing instead to listen to all the hearts beating in the room. The silence is loud, but not loud enough to mask the breathy want of Jim coming from behind me.

There is nothing inside me that wants to make this easy. I don’t care if she’s happy or believes Jim isthe one. I want this bitch to fucking suffer. I want the two of them to feel everything I carry inside. I wantanythingbut to lean forward and put my mouth on Mother’s skin. But neither of them cares whatIwant, not when they see me as something to simply satisfy their needs.

Tired of my stalling, Jim presses his hand into my spine, brutally shoving my face into Mother, burying my nose into her heat. I’m suffocating on her scent, drowning as her wetness spills into my nostrils. I fight breathing as long as I can, holding my lips shut against her squirming. I’m able to hold out longer than I thought possible, but eventually, my need to exhale wins.

When my lips open on her folds, the first thing I taste is Jim, his dark, minty flavor embedded into her slickness. I gag at the combination of them on my tongue, attempting to pull away, but all he does is laugh, one hand still on my back, the other exploring the dryness between my thighs.

“That’s it, baby. Eat her pussy. Oh yeah, just like that, get messy with it.” Rolling my face in her juices, I have no choice but to listen. I’m timid with my tasting, something he doesn’t like, but Mom moans for him anyway. They aren’t real, though. I can taste the fury in her quivering muscles, but it doesn’t matter. She’s smart enough to know what Jim wants to hear and desperate enough to give him everything he wants, despite what she knows is right.

I’m holding in my sickness when I’m suddenly yanked away from her center. I knew Jim carried some wickedness in him, but up until this moment, he was somewhat gentle. That’s over now. Snarling, he takes me by my hair, quickly swapping my place for Mother’s. The world moves in a blur as he does it, fast enough for stars to dance in front of my vision when he throws me down on the other side of the bed.

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