Page 6 of Undaunted

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She sighs. “How I wish your father were here to see you graduate, mija. His only daughter, a physical therapist.”

“I’m sure he’ll be there in spirit, Ma,” I say. I was ten years old when my father was killed during a robbery at a jewelry store where he worked as a security guard. One minute, he was kissing me goodbye while holding the lunch Mama had made for him, and the next, he was gone.

I can never forget how everyone was suddenly in our house that day, comforting Mama while doing their best to answer my questions about what happened without really answering them. How can you tell a ten-year-old their father had been shot over a few gold watches?

You can’t.

“Claudia, are you still there?”

My mother’s voice snaps me back to reality and I clear my throat. “Yes, I’m here. I’m probably tired from the drive.”

“How long was it?”

“Seven hours, but I stopped at Chincoteague Island on the way and took pictures of the wild horses,” I say as the front door swings open and Leigh walks in with the pizza.

“Why don’t you have your dinner and we’ll talk this weekend?” Mama says. “You can tell me all about your first week at the rehab center.”

“I will. Say hello to everyone for me, okay?” I say before hanging up and joining Leigh back on the couch where she’s setting out the paper plates that came with the pizza.

“Are you ready for dinner ala Leigh Elliott because you know I don’t cook?” she asks as she refills my wine glass.

“I’m ready, although we’ll remedy that soon enough.” I say. “You’re lucky I’m the type who cooks when I’m stressed and for one thing, I know this internship will be stressful.”

Leigh hands me a paper plate. “I have the perfect remedy for all that stress.”

“Really? What is it?”

“I know this guy who just happens to live two doors down,” she replies, winking playfully. “Apartment 4G, from what I heard.”

I roll my eyes. “I did not come here to find Mr. Right.”

Leigh laughs as she takes a slice of pizza. “Who said anything about Mr. Right? I’m talking Mr. Right-Now. As long as you keep it casual, you should be fine. Besides, stress-cooking will be detrimental to my waistline so even I have to keep that in check.”

“In case you forgot, I’ve got priorities. Internship, my board exams, and a job so I can pay all my student loans.” I take a slice and set it on my plate. “Only then can I think about Mr. Right-Now. And even if he asks me out, it’s going to be temporary.”

“Oh, come on, Claudia. You haven’t given yourself a break ever since you started the program—” She holds up her finger to stop me from interrupting. “Except for that time you came to visit me a year and a half ago and we met Trevor and his friends. But even then, you only stayed for the weekend, and you’ve been working ever since.”

“Because the program isn’t a walk in the park, Leigh,” I protest.

“But you’re also nearing the finish line,” she continues. “Exams are all over and you passed with all A’s. All you have left is this internship, so why not have a bit of fun with Trevor while you’re here? All work and no play is bound to make Claudia Romero one dull girl.”

I chuckle. “Even if I take your advice, you’re forgetting one thing.”


“Mr. Right-Now has to ask me out first.”

Chapter Three


Five days after I got back from the sandbox, I need to get out of the apartment. I need to get on my bike and ride somewhere. Hell, anywhere I can see and smell the ocean.

Since I got back, I’ve only left the apartment to go to the office for a few hours one day and show up at the doctor’s the next. Quinn was right to ask about my leg because I really did push myself on the mission. Thankfully, all my doctor found were areas of skin chafing which he prescribed antibiotic cream along with the usual advice to stay off my feet for a few days.

But enough sitting on my ass channel-surfing.

I need to ride.
