Page 11 of Home to You

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“You really weren’t kidding when you said he lived off the grid,” Chloe says as she makes a right turn into a private road from the highway.

“You should see the inside of his house. It’s gorgeous.”

“I hope you don’t plan on playing house,” she says, flipping her high beams as she continues to drive slowly over the gravel road. “Can’t they pour asphalt at least?”

I chuckle. “It’s part of the charm of living off the grid.”

She looks up at the sky glittering with stars. “I can definitely see one of the pluses of living out here. You could see the stars from where we were in town, but out here, it’s as if you see all of them.”

Chloe turns into the narrow road leading to Todd’s Earthship and parks the car next to his truck. Through the angled window of his house, we can see him sitting on the couch scratching Sarge’s belly.

“I like this, the idea of you and him together. After all these years, all it took was your camper dying out in the middle of nowhere,” she says. “You didn’t answer me back there, about you playing house.”

“Probably best not to jump to conclusions.”

“Are you kidding, Dev? The guy’s still in love with you.” She glances at the house again. “Your dog seems to like him, too.”

“He sure does.”

“By the way, the press will be there tomorrow,” Chloe says, her tone turning serious. “Not sure about how Harrison will take the fact that you’ve been officially added to the schedule, but it is what it is.”

“He wasn’t there today.”

“Someone said he’s arriving tomorrow morning,” she says. “Anyway, he can rant and rave all he wants. All the contracts have been signed and whether he likes it or not, you’re performing tomorrow.”

“I’ve only waited two years for this chance,” I say, my gaze returning to Todd. Inside the house, though, it’s a different story. I’ve been waiting ten years to make things right.

“And you’ll get it,” Chloe says as I push open the door.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Chloe. Thanks for setting this up.”

“Go be with your man and I’ll see you tomorrow,” she says as I step out of the car. I wait until she turns the corner before I open the door and walk inside.

“Got your text message about having dinner with the guys,” Todd says when I close the door behind me. “Did you have fun?”

“I did. Thanks so much for keeping an eye on Sarge,” I say as I join Todd on the couch where my dog is still in the same position next to him. “Looks like he’s getting quite spoiled rotten. You didn’t even say hello to me, boy.”

As I scratch Sarge’s belly, Todd grins. “Between all the attention he got from the kids and the walk Sawyer took him on, he’s probably tired.”

As if realizing we’re talking about him, Sarge nuzzles his nose against my hand as I laugh. “Guess you heard me complaining, didn’t you?”

“Where’d you go for dinner?” Todd asks as I nod.

“We decided to go to La Fonda,” I reply, referring to a charming hotel on Taos Plaza that’s been around since 1820. “Apparently, many of them are staying there and other nearby places. Everywhere else was full.”

“Told you the town is booked solid.”

“You weren’t kidding,” I scoff before nestling against Todd’s side. “But I have the best accommodations right here.”

Todd wraps his arm around me, pulling me closer. “That you do.”

For the next ten minutes, we don’t talk as Sarge leaves the couch to curl up on the rug in front of the fire.

“I could sit here forever with you,” I say dreamily before pulling away, suddenly remembering something. “But I need to take a shower and wash all the festival energy off me. Otherwise, I won’t be able to sleep.”

Todd laughs. “Go right ahead.”

“Will you still be out here?”
