Page 10 of Galata and Nutmeg

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Brynn throws her straw at me. “You’re not going to have time to run off to Istanbul with Kaan for a client.”

“You know I love you, Brynn, but there’s no way I’m going to miss being my best friend’s bridesmaid!”

“No, you don’t love me, remember? You have a moratorium on love.”

“I wouldn’t worry, Brynn, I’m pretty sure Meggsy’s penis embargo won’t last a week,” Nate says dryly.

“I can’t be friends with you.” I glare at Nate over my glass. “You’re too exhausting!”

Courtney throws down the money she just won on the table. “Hell yeah, she will. In fact, make it a full month, and you’ve got a bet.”

“A full month, eh? Does that include while she’s in Istanbul? Because if it does, those are some odds that I’ll take! Just look what happened to Ginny while she was there!”

“You can’t bet on my emotional wellbeing!” Who are these people? “Anyway, you’re both going to lose. Because… I am Woman!”

By the way, that wasn’t me making an affirmation, that was the song that was currently being belted out by a busty brunette on stage.

But between you and me and my emotional baggage, my moratorium on men, and penises, and dating… and true love… oh, and sex… this has all the makings of an epic disaster!


BFD = Big Fucking Deal


What happens in the club stays in the club… until someone leaks it exclusively to me, that is!

According to a source at the exclusive Tape London club, the new face of Taranto Lingerie, Blair Roberts, and former Seven of Crows bass player-turned-loser rockstar, Kaan, were caught in a steamy embrace on Friday night. And when I say steamy, I mean steaming up the windows kind of steamy!

Witnesses reported that the unlikely duo couldn’t keep their hands off each other, engaging in some seriously over-the-top PDA. From making out at the bar to sneaking off to the bathroom, they were like a couple of lovesick teenagers!

As you might expect, I have some serious reservations about this pairing. I mean, Miz Roberts might be a successful model but she also has an excessive party lifestyle, while Kaan is little more than a has-been with a history of bad behaviour. It’s like Beauty and the Beast, but with way more tongue.

Does anyone else hate the idea of these two together as much as I do?

I’m Pippa Ellis, and this is Fame and No-sense.

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My penis embargo has been coming along swimmingly but learning to love myself? Epic failure.

I tried jogging… hated it. I did yoga… hated it more. I also joined one of those writing groups at the community college and have convinced myself that every word that I write is absolute shite!

Penis Embargo: 1


At least I’ve got my health… and my job.

One of the best things about working at Brazen, other than working with Brynn of course, is that it’s only a twenty-minute walk from home. But when I step outside this morning, I’m hit with a gust of wind that threatens to knock me right off my feet.

Shockingly bad weather for spring!

So instead of my normal leisurely walk past Buckingham Palace and through Green Park, I sprint down to Victoria Station so I can catch the bus which will drop me right outside the Brazen office on Clarges Street.

Set over six levels, Brazen is a full-service public relations firm specialising in digital marketing and social media, branding and media relations. From influencers, reality stars and designers, to the biggest names in music, theatre, television and film. Brazen specialises in boosting their names and getting them the publicity that they so desperately crave, or alternatively, for those clients who seem to live and breathe drama, we do the impossible and keep their name out of the gossip columns at all costs.

Right now, the name on everyone’s lips is Kaan. Yes,thatKaan.
