Page 35 of Galata and Nutmeg

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“You already know everything about me, and my spicy meatballs. Tell me something about you.”

“No story.”

“There’s always a story. My social media manager taught me that.”

“She sounds like a genius.”

“That was your mum on the phone earlier, wasn’t it?”

“It was. She worries… mostly about my eternal damnation, but only because she wants what’s best for me… and that is definitelynota musician.”

“I’d have to agree with that.” He nods at me knowingly. “We’re all only after one thing.”

“So I hear.”

“She said that?”

“Amongst many, many, other things.”

“What type of man does she want for you?”

“A lawyer, or a doctor, hell, right now I think she’d be happy with anyone who has gainful employment. She really can’t cope with the whole ‘Meg Martin Is Single’ thing anymore.”

“Can I ask you a personal question?”

“You’ve asked me so many personal questions so far, what’s one more?”

“Why is Meg Martin single?”

This time it’s me who shrugs. “Courtney says I carry around a lot of baggage with me.”

“Do you?”

“I’ll admit I don’t exactly have a great track record.” I assess him with narrow eyes. “But then neither do you.”

“I don’t do love.”

“It’s all wham, bam, thank you, ma’am?”

“Why not? They get what they want. I get what I want.”

“And what is that?”


“What do they get out of it?”

“They get to fuck a rock star.”

I pretend to gag. “Not all women are the same.”

“I’ve never had a refusal.”

“I feel sorry for you.”


“You’re missing out on the best part of a relationship.”
