Page 71 of Galata and Nutmeg

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I know she already knows the answer so I just shrug uncommitted.


I cover my face with my hands, knowing I am blushing every shade of red imaginable. I peek through my fingers. “It was good.”

“Just good?”

How can I even begin to describe what Kaan did to me, how he made me feel when he touched me? How his fingers and tongue somehow knew just what I wanted, how his words, those wonderfullydirtywords made me moan out loud, and how his magnificent cock, the Full Monty, inside me, brought me pleasure that I had, up until now, only ever dreamed of?

“Ugh!” I blow out a long puff of air and close my eyes. “It was great. Fucking great. Monumental mind-blowing sex. It was magical. Best shag of my life!”

“I knew it!”

“Are you happy now?”

She fans her face furiously with her fingers and pants. “I think I might be.”

“But it was a mistake.”

“Says who?”

“I do. And I’m pretty sure every teenage groupie would say so as well.”

“Courtney says that—”

“Courtney isn’t me and she wasn’t there.”

“I should hope not!” She raises an eyebrow and we burst into laughter clutching our sides.

“It just can’t work.” This time Ginny stays silent as the smoking wreckage that is my brain searches frantically for the black box… and an explanation. “He’s arrogant and stubborn, a colossal prima donna to work with. He never listens to me and we argue constantly. He spends more time in front of the mirror than I think I ever have. He drinks way too much, smokes too much. He’s screwed half of London—”

“That’s quite a list.”

“There’s a lot to not like about him.”

“But youdolike him.”

“I do.” I take a moment to gather my thoughts, acknowledging the fact which is as plain as the nose on my face. “It’s odd. None of this is supposed to be real. Brynn asked me to help a client out of a sticky situation, that’s all. But Kaan has this strange effect on me. He excites me in a way that I’ve never experienced before. Sure, he’s famous and rich and sexy as sin but there’s a whole other side to him as well. He has a lot of pain and guilt in his past, secrets that the public doesn’t know. He hides himself behind that asshole rock star façade, but with me, he opens up in a way that I cannot begin to explain. I can see the vulnerable and genuine man beneath it all. The other night we were talking, just talking… before all hell broke loose, I mean.”

“I saw it on the news.”

I shrug, feeling at a loss for words as I try to explain the other night. “He’s kind of a great guy.”

“I knew it!”

“We’ve got this connection, like it was inevitable somehow that we would meet.”

My mind is a cacophony of thoughts bouncing around, making it difficult to find clarity. I’m thoroughly overwhelmed but I also know that now is not the time for it. I need to keep a level head. Plus, I am here for Ginny, to support her in her moment of joy, not the other way around. “And the truth is that it scares the shit out of me.”

“I watched that interview yesterday. I saw what he said about you.”

“It’s part of the ruse.”

I can see she doesn’t believe me, and honestly, why would she?

“You don’t know what you’re talking about, sweetie, because the Kaan I met this afternoon is one smitten kitten!” Ginny snorts indelicately. “It’s you that is acting all sorts of crazy!”

