Page 103 of Fortress of the Brave

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He screws up his nose childishly, and I chuckle.

“Do you need us to do anything?” I ask, looking from him to Sloane.

Sloane shakes her head. “We’ve got everything we need. I’ve got a backlog of work to do tonight, but I can do that from here. The main thing is Rocco will make a full recovery, if he’ll only just chill and watch Netflix with Charlie.”

“I’m pissed he just held a fucking meeting without me,” Rocco mutters. “You two can fill me in, anyway. We done here, Doc?” He glances at Sage.

She nods. “Yes, but remember what I said. I’ll be back to check on you tomorrow.” She moves to stand and smiles at Sloane, putting her clipboard in her medical bag and picking it up. “Just keep your eye on him, as much as he thinks he doesn’t need it. If there is any change, let me know immediately.”

Sloane nods. “I will.”

“I had a few grazes, Doc. I think I’m gonna be okay,” Rocco interjects.

“It’s called erring on the side of caution,” Sloane tells him matter-of-factly. “Which is what we’re doing, whether you like it or not.”

He grunts and pulls Charlie into his chest. I’ve never seen anything like it with him and his new bestie. One thing is for sure, Rocco doesn’t like listening to doctor’s orders, even if it is for his own good.

It’s when she goes to leave and says goodbye that Fynn suddenly snaps to attention and stands up.

“I’ll walk you out,” he says, avoiding my surprised gaze until he can’t avoid it any longer and turns to glare at me. Such a fucking sap. All talk, no fucking action.

Knowing Fynn, I’m sure he’ll find a way to fuck up a simple conversation.

We say goodbye to Sage, and my eyes follow their retreating backs.

Sloane raises her eyebrows as she watches them too.

“Old flames,” I tell her when she stares at me questioningly.

“Ah, I thought there was something going on there,” she says, moving closer toward Rocco. “You can feel the tension in the air.”

“They haven’t been together in years,” I say. “But sometimes you just can’t fight city hall.”

“Wow, do you think we could do some matchmaking?” she muses excitedly.

I laugh. “I think that ship might have sailed, Sloane. But you never know.”

“No one is gonna be fucking matchmaking,” Rocco grumbles. “Especially where Fynn is concerned. Good luck with that.”

“Hey, anyone can change.” I give him a pointed look and then wink at Sloane. “No one EVER expected you to settle down, Roc, and look at you now.”

He strokes Charlie’s head and ignores me.

“I’m sure if he was in a better mood, he would agree with you.” Sloane laughs.

He glances at her, his eyes softening. “I’ll remember you said that later tonight when I bend you over my knee.”

I pretend to block my ears.

Sloan flushes, a hand flying to her chest. “Rocco!”

I’m glad the big guy found her. She’s undeniably perfect for him, calling him out on all his bullshit. My mind flicks to Fynn and what he and Sage are talking about, and I only hope she’s giving him a run for his money. He can’t smooth talk her, she’s immune.

“I’m just glad you’re okay,” I tell Rocco. “I mean that, brother. And you’ve got the best company to recuperate with.”

“We’re hoping to get another puppy for Charlie to play with,” Sloane says with a warm smile. “After our vacation, right, Rocco?”

He grunts again.
