Page 107 of Fortress of the Brave

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“And we will get them,” Marco assures him. “One way or the other. This is what we do.”

“So… the game plan is?” I ask, eager to get this show on the road.

Angelo eyeballs me. “Firstly, you and Fynn stick together. I want you on the first traitor’s case with Enzo. Darko will come too. You’ll find the traitor and bring him to the warehouse. You have an army of soldiers at your beck and call. It shouldn’t be too hard, even you two can’t fuck this up.” He turns and points two fingers at Marco. “You and I will take the lead with the Colombians who car-bombed us, along with Dom. Santino and Jonas will meet us. I kept them out of the Triad attack, but we need backup. As we speak, I’m sending the soldiers over to check out the address Sloane provided, making sure it’s legit before anything gets underway.”

“Wow, no rest for the wicked.” Fynn blows out a breath that I think we’ve all been holding.

“It’s the way it has to be. Time is of the essence,” Angelo says, giving him a pointed glare. “We wait, then who knows what the fuck is gonna happen next. The Colombians won’t stop with one car bombing. That was just a warning.”

“And where do I fit in with all of this?” Rocco asks.

We all glance up at him at the same time, Sloane included.

Angelo contemplates his words while assessing his longtime friend and head enforcer. They go way back since high school, and nobody has more respect for my brother than Rocco, and vice versa.

“Fine,” Angelo says, eventually. It’s as if he’s resigned to the fact that you can’t keep Rocco down. “You can come along with Dom and us. I need you at the warehouse after that.” He glances at Sloane. “Excellent job. Once again, you continue to impress me.”

“It wasn’t just me, Vaughn was also instrumental in getting all of the footage.”

“I think she needs a pay rise,” Rocco suggests as every one of us, bar Angelo, chuckles.

“I think that shiny, silver Mercedes parked out in the lot is reward enough, don’t you?” Angelo replies.

Sloane’s eyes go wide. “You didn’t?”

The slight twitch of his lips is the only indication that he’s fond of her.

“Just make sure you sweep it for bugs and car bombs,” Fynn adds, earning him a stern look from Angelo, Rocco, and Marco simultaneously.

“What? I’m just saying,” he defends, ducking when Marco tries to slap his head this time.

“Angelo, that was awfully generous of you,” she says, pushing her glasses up as she shuts her laptop, knowing when the party’s over.

“You deserve it,” he says simply.

She smiles, then gives us all a nod. “I have to go check up on Charlie,” she says simply.

Rocco nods. “Don’t leave the casino,” he tells her. “Even to take Charlie out, he can pee on that fake grass mat we got him on the balcony.”

I bite my lip to save myself from laughing.

For fuck’s sake, you’ve gotta love these two.

She nods and holds her laptop to her chest. “Be careful,” she says, addressing us all as she stands.

“You’ve got nothing to worry about other than staying here where you’re all safe, as Rocco said,” Angelo says.

“Anytime.” She squeezes Rocco’s shoulder, bending to kiss him briefly, and then leaves. Rocco watches her sashay out of here, looking quite proud of himself.

“Remind me where we found her again?” I muse.

Rocco glances at me, “I tied her up and gagged her.”

“Jesus H. Christ,” Angelo mutters.

“Time to rock and roll,” Marco says, slapping his hands together and getting up out of his seat.

Angelo stands as well. “I want those fuckers alive, no matter what. I want that fucking confession that they took the drugs before I ram it down the Colombians’ throats. And I don’t want anyone dead until we have information. Is everyone clear on that?” He looks at us all, lingering on Rocco the longest.
