Page 119 of Fortress of the Brave

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Angelo sees red and grabs me by the shirt as I push him back. I don’t fucking care. He’s not going to talk to Fynn like a piece of shit. This is on him too.

Angelo made many mistakes when he was first appointed as Don after Roberto was killed, and this was one of them. He needs to own up to it. Fynn didn’t do anything on purpose.

I may have done a complete one-eighty, but that’s because I can see how much Fynn regrets it and how much pain is on his face as soon as Sage is brought up.

I had no idea that he raped her, and from what I see now, neither did Fynn. As if beating her within an inch of her life wasn’t enough. I feel sick at knowing what she endured because of this asshole.

“What the fuck did you just say to me?” Angelo bellows, tugging me closer to him.

“Dante, don’t,” Fynn tries to pull me backward, but I don’t let go of Angelo’s jacket. Fuck him.

He'll have to go through me if he wants to get to Fynn.

If he wants to act like a dick, then that’s on him. I’m calling him out whether he likes it or not. I’m not afraid of him.

“You heard me. Fynn was a kid, and you left him to do a job that never should have been his. Now you want to come down on him for it because he didn’t finish the job? I call bullshit.”

“I’ll fucking end you!” Angelo roars, Marco pushes him back with one hand pressed firmly on his chest, his body shielding us.

“Steady, Angelo,” Marco mutters.

Enzo and Rocco are smart enough to stand back, away from the fray.

“No, you won’t, because I’m your brother and you love us despite my and Fynn’s misgivings and mistakes. Unconditionally. And you forgive your family. Going into a mad rampage over something that happened more than ten years ago isn’t going to solve things now. He already feels bad enough as it is. He’s had to live with this and the horrors of what happened to Sage. Shit like that never leaves you. We’re on the same side. We don’t do this.”

“You don’t need to defend me,” Fynn says, still holding me away because I might just take a fucking swipe at Angelo because I can. Asshole. “I can stand up for myself. I didn’t know he raped her, otherwise I would have ended him!”

Angelo calms slightly but shakes his head in disbelief, shrugging out of Marco’s hold as he backs off but still keeps his body between us, just in case.

He looks to Fynn. “You’re lucky you have a twin brother who talks more out of his ass than he does his mouth. I almost fell for the shit he was spewing. As for you, you didn’t put up much of a fight. What the fuck did I even teach you all these years?”

“I’m still old enough to kick your ass,” Fynn fires back. “Happy to go at it, big brother. Just our fists, if you’re man enough.”

“That’s enough,” Marco admonishes. “This is getting us nowhere.”

Angelo smirks, ignoring Marco. “You’d like to take a poke at me?”

We all know that Fynn is a good fighter. You wouldn’t think so from looking at him, but he did martial arts for most of his teenage years and he’s fucking fast.

“If I did, you wouldn’t even see it coming,” he growls.

“Is that so?”

“Damn straight.”

“You sure you don’t need your little wingman to help? Or are you gonna be a man and go at it alone this time?” Angelo’s eyes dance with amusement.

“This is between us,” Fynn grits. “Leave Dante out of this. I know what I have to do now.”

“Oh, do you?” Angelo smiles, and nothing about it is pretty. He folds his arms over his chest, clearly reveling in something he’s about to drop on us. “Are you sure, Fynn?”

“I’m positive. I won’t fuck it up this time.”

“You don’t have the fucking guts.”

“Try me.”

Angelo nods toward Cameron. “You’re going to interrogate him.”
