Page 136 of Fortress of the Brave

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“I love you, Dante. I love you so much.” My heart feels so full when I’m in his arms.

“Right back at you,little bird.I always want us to be like this. You’re mine. You will always be mine.”

I feel our hearts beating as one, our souls melting, and our lives intertwining as they were always meant to.

I’m finally free.

I’m with the man I’m going to spend the rest of my life with.

“It will be,” I assure him. “There will only be you, my darling. Only you, forever.”



“We sit tight?”I say to Angelo when we reconvene in his office later. I understand we must wait until the security team has gathered more intel, but still. We can’t let the Colombians get away with this. What Cameron did...that’s not cool.

Angelo scratches his chin. “We don’t even know who’s behind this or if the Colombians are just a ploy. In any case, the bastards who planted the car bomb proved to be fucking useless.”

With all the commotion of having Cameron tied up at the warehouse, Angelo failed to mention that one of the men they were following was shot when he fired at them, and the other is now hiding out. Initially, when we captured Cameron, Angelo and Marco left Garrett and Darko in charge while they returned to the warehouse for the interrogation.

“What about the one still under surveillance?” Fynn echoes my thoughts. “Didn’t they grab him yet?”

“Yes, but he’s refusing to speak English,” Angelo says. “Which is why Rocco just left. If anyone can get someone to talk, it’s gonna be him.”

I wince, glad I’m not him.

I run a hand through my hair as Fynn leans against Angelo’s desk and Marco nurses a glass of Angelo’s finest scotch. Enzo, who’s been quieter than usual, is seated.

“Don’t underestimate them,” Enzo says. “That’s what they want us to do.”

“Enzo’s right. We need to play this swiftly and without mercy, Angelo,” Marco insists. “They will be ready for us. They’re counting on it. If we know anything about criminals of the underworld, then we understand that nothing is done without purpose. And I believe they will strike when they think we’re at our most vulnerable. Just think about it. We only just got over Fortress being under siege, a car bombing meant to wipe us all out, and Dante being shot. Not to mention all the other shit that’s happened this year.”

To say we may be cursed is an understatement.

This family is in turmoil.

Angelo takes a deep breath. He runs two fingers around the rim of his glass that he hasn’t touched yet, which is never a good sign.

He may have been pleased about what we did to Cameron and the information we got out of him, but the afterglow didn’t last long. It never does around here.

I wanted to bask in the joy of being with Mia. Having her back in my arms, where she belongs,that seems tainted now.

None of us can settle until this matter is resolved.

Il Diavolo.

I’m not as superstitious as Marco, yet I still don’t like the idea of someone working in the shadows, contributing to the end of the Medici line, and for what purpose? Angelo will never give up control. Should anything happen to any of us, measures are in place, but we came close when Angelo’s car blew up. It was a rapid reminder that anything could happen at any time. That we can’t be so cavalier. Times are changing, a shift is coming, and we can all feel it.

“We must remember what Mario taught us,” Angelo says eventually. “We’re Medicis. We own this city. We will not fall at the slightest hint of trouble, that’s not who we are. I agree with Marco that they’re hitting when they think we’re most vulnerable. If the Colombians really thought we stole their drugs, they would have acted by now. None of it makes sense. They think that with the wound still fresh from Fortress and the car bombing, we will retaliate without thinking it through. But we must never act without careful planning and precision. That’s why the Medici line stands tall when others fall. Charging in will be a trap.”

“It’s true, I feel like we’re missing something,” I state calmly. “They waited too long to retaliate if they think we have the drugs. It seems easy to point the finger now when it’s been months since the bust.”

“Looks like they’ve got one up on us already,” Fynn pipes up. “When they got that bomb past our guards.” He shakes his head.

Angelo still isn’t happy about the situation, but we were traveling on minimum security, which has been rectified now. So there are definite lessons to be learned.

“For now, we sit tight and wait until Sloane, Enzo, and Vaughn update us. Marco’s right, however, something feels off, nothing about this adds up.”

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