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I also feel strange inside. Seeing someone innocent like Mia tied up like that to the chair, being held in a dirty room with a tiny bathroom and no escape. It hits me all over again. At least she was only restrained that morning and not the entire time, so she told us, ready to be shipped off.

When I think of it, my hands ball into fists, and I know I have to stop.

Heads will fucking roll for this.

Despite what we may all think of Rayne right now in her messed up situation with Angelo, there is no dodging the fact that Mia is hurting.

Rayne is utterly shocked when she’s reunited with her sister. She holds her for so long I don’t think she will let her go.

“Oh my God,” Rayne cries, squeezing her tiny body. She visibly shakes as they hug one another. I get a lump in my throat just watching them.

“I thought I’d never see you again,” Mia sobs.

I have to look away, even Angelo has a tear in his eye.

I give them some space as Angelo rubs his hand on Rayne’s shoulder softly. She thanks us over and over while she holds onto Mia for dear life.

Angelo kisses Rayne’s on the back of the head and looks at me over the two women, I see the caring side to my brother that not many people get to see. He gives me a chin lift and discreetly makes his way out of the room.

Fighting the thudding in my chest, I leave too, hovering, just to be sure that Mia doesn’t collapse or faint, she’s in such bad shape and I don’t want her to hurt herself.

“I love you so much,” Rayne whispers, her voice strained. “I never gave up hope, Mia, I never stopped looking…I have so much to tell you…so much happened…”

“I know, I know,” Mia repeats over and over. “I’m just so happy to see you.”

“Tell me you’re okay…did they…did they…”

“They didn’t rape me,” Mia replies. I close my eyes as I clench my fists. “Just roughed me up a bit. The woman in charge…Allegra…she kept them away.”

I’ll kill them all, every last one of them.

Rayne kisses her face, a lot like a mother would to a child, and it breaks my heart. “I’ll make sure every one of them who did this to you suffers,” Rayne warns. “I promise you.”

Mia tries to gather herself as she says, “I’m just glad to be here. I just want to forget about all of this…so many times I dreamed of being with you, even with Mom and Dad…” Her voice breaks and I have to turn away.

There’s so much love between them that I feel guilty about listening.

I need to give them some space.

Leaving the two women, I go in search of my siblings in the kitchen. Ma has been cooking all afternoon, and the wafts from the kitchen tell me everything.

It’s been a long night. I want to shower and turn in. Nonetheless, like clockwork, Angelo pulls us aside to debrief everyone before we all call it a night, and I never get any food. He’s heading to his safe house in the morning in Falmouth, an hour's drive from here. He keeps the place on the beach for times like these when he needs to disappear.

“I want you to come to Falmouth, brother,” he says before we retire for the night.

I hang back while my brothers, Enzo and Rocco, filter out.

“Me?” I ask him quizzically.

“I need someone there with them when I come in for business. Marco isn’t in the best place right now with Rayne, and I figure that will take some time to fix. Fynn isn’t exactly the most responsible one out of the two of you.”

“I’ll do whatever you need, Angelo, you know that.”

He places a hand on my shoulder. “Thank you for the way you handled this tonight. I couldn’t have done any of it without my brothers.”

“It’s been pretty fucked up,” I admit.

He nods.
