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I need to go to her, but my brothers are taking up all my fucking time.

I’m going to drag Fynn and Marco along to the auction for moral support. I managed to convince Fynn to drive out to the land with me early this morning just so he could give me his opinion. Fynn could see the potential too, even though the land has no dwelling except for the old barn. The vision is there, and that’s all I need.

“Next thing you’re going to be telling me is that you went all the way to New York and fell in love with Rayne’s sister,” he says when we both lean on the fence post in our fucking suits, looking out at the tree-lined plot of land which spans for miles.

I do a double take, knowing I can’t hide a fucking thing from him, and he throws his head back and laughs. Call it twin intuition.

“You fucking dog!” He laughs, shoving me in the side. “You think you can hide shit from me?”

If only he knew the half of it. “She’s a good one,” I reply. “But don’t breathe a word to the others, yet. I need to talk to Angelo myself. The last thing I need is a headache from our brother dearest.”

He nods. “So, you did the nasty with Mia, and now you wanna make her yours?”

I glance at him. “It’s not just that, Fynn. It’s so much more than that.”

“You and your romantic notions. But I’m happy for you, if it’s what you want. It’s about time you got snatched up for real.” He looks at me thoughtfully then and opens his mouth to say something but closes it again.

I want to ask him what he was going to say, however Marco calls and tells us to get our asses back into town and to pick him up on the way.

I’m glad Fynn and Marco are coming with me today. I don’t want anything to hinder my chances of getting what I want, but I need my brothers to back me up in case I get out of control with the bidding. There are other properties, but nothing has sung to me as this has.

We cause a stir when we arrive. This is usual for events such as this when we’re all together.

Usually, it’s only charity functions, galas, and hostile takeovers, though they are often done privately.

It’s as though no one has ever seen a high-profile crime family before.

If only they knew we weren’t the biggest monsters in this corrupt world we all share.

People will always be afraid of us. They’ll always stop and stare, whispering about us as we assemble on the pavement. It’s just part of the business.

As I turn my head, I notice Gus pulling up behind us in the Mercedes. Just seconds later, out of nowhere, Angelo emerges in his Armani suit and dark shades.

What the fuck?

He’s the epitome of what a mafia don should be; sharp, prompt, immaculate, and deadly - all rolled into one. Today is no exception. Even the gray in the clouds above us, threatening a thunderstorm, and the brisk cold settling in couldn’t keep him away.

“This is gonna be interesting,” Fynn quips toward me as Angelo straightens himself out and picks some non-existent lint from his suit.

“The whole family,” Marco muses, fixing his tie.

“What are you doing here?” I question, surprised that he’d show up.

It’s not that often we’re all together like this. It certainly causes more than its usual stir, given the recent past with Angelo being all over the news, though things have died down these last six months. Most people have probably already forgotten.

“Someone has to watch over the flock.” Angelo grins. “And I was in the area, couldn’t waste an opportunity for you to pop your real estate cherry.”

I roll my eyes. “That’s so thoughtful of you.”

Dom walks up beside him. He always has his bodyguard with him, and where Dom is, Rocco won’t be too far away. “Anyway, I thought I’d mark the occasion that Dante parted with any of his fucking money on something other than booze and women.” Angelo pats me on the back. “Not that he’s had a woman in…how long has it been now, brother?”

I shrug his arm off me. “Shut the fuck up. I’ve had plenty.” It’s a lie, but I must keep up this charade for a little longer.

“Maybe we need to go and actually pop your cherry after you win this,” Fynn says, already sounding bored. “Is there a bar in this joint?”

I fix him with a stare. “No getting smashed in public, and it’s barely eleven in the morning.”

Angelo just gives Fynn a look, and he shuts up.
