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Even if the cops covered most of it up.

Angelo has the keys to the fucking city.

We had nothing to do with the missing drugs. But these assholes will stop at nothing.

Similar to the Triad invasion after Rocco killed two of their men, and they ambushed him at our restaurant, Provençal. They fired first and asked questions later.

That is not how we roll.

Women and children are never harmed.

It’s rule number one.

It seems like the Colombians are no different.

They all want power in the end.

A big part of me feels selfish for wanting to be with Mia, despite everything that’s going on. I don’t want anything to happen to her, and as much as I tell myself I won’t let that happen, I can’t be there twenty-four-seven. And that’s what scares me.

Someone is always out to get us lately, and someone is always getting hurt.

The thought of anyone ever hurting Mia again has me seeing red, and I know I would be capable of truly terrible things, if that ever happened. Blood would be spilled.

Vaughn is pulling up some footage via satellite as we speak and tracing where the perpetrators went after placing the bomb under the car. Motherfuckers.

To plant a fucking car bomb?

Angelo is seething. In fact, I’ve never seen him so mad.

We will fight fire with fire because that’s what we do.

“What’s the game plan?” I ask Angelo as we all hover around, waiting for Vaughn to phone.

“We should see soon what Vaughn has uncovered. Sloane’s hacking into the city’s street surveillance as we speak. I want her to look through every little piece of finer detail.”

“That’s a good idea.” Marco nods, running a hand through his hair. Weariness is starting to show on his face.

“Did you end up talking to Petrov?” Fynn asks Marco.

He did actually get the message to us in time, after all.

“I called him on a private line earlier this morning. As we know, when Katiya is involved, he will stop at nothing to ensure her safety. I don’t fucking like owing him again, but it seems he has assisted us once more and continues to do so.”

“It certainly helped the last time,” Enzo adds. None of us could forget the recent Triad invasion at Fortress, where Aleksi Petrov showed up with his guys and fought with us until the end.

“The time will come when he needs us for something, and we will deliver.” Angelo goes on. “But for now, we must keep our heads in the game. The Colombians believe we have their missing drugs. What we need to do is find the fucking drugs and track the Colombians down in the meantime.”

“So, we go back to the bust that night six months ago?” Marco asks, incredulous. “That’s a big fucking task.”

Angelo looks at him sharply. “You got any better ideas?”

“Yeah, we find these assholes and end it,” he says simply.

“That’s essentially what we’re doing.” Angelo grits.

“You mean we start another all-out bloodbath?” Fynn interjects.

Angelo points at him. “They started this fucking bloodbath, Fynn! When they made a pretty big fucking assumption and blew up my car. Same with the fucking Triads, when they opened fire at Provençal! They could have shot our sister, her best friend, Rocco, and fucking Sloane! Not to mention our staff.”
