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“Yes,” Angelo and I say in unison.

“He’s got too much to lose,” Angelo goes on. “I may need him if he’s good enough to work for Mario.”

Marco chuckles.

Still, I have that nagging feeling.

I say nothing. There is no need to stress Angelo out any more than he already is.

No good can come from that.



Dinner took moreof an interesting turn than I could ever have anticipated. Fynn completely shocked me with his suggestions, despite the fact he already made it known how he felt about the baby business back in my apartment a few nights ago.

Like I could forget.

By the time I get home, I’m pretty beat. After going straight over to check on Dante after my shift, then dinner with Fynn, I never got a chance to shower or change.

Fynn didn’t seem to mind.

That’s one thing I like so much about him; I don’t have to put on any airs or graces with him. Even if I'm in my scrubs, it’s fine by him.

He walked me to my car and made sure I got away safely. Thankfully, he didn’t push me any further with more talk about the future, or babies, or anything else. I need time to think.

There’s just so much to take in, and my head could almost explode with the enormity of it.

Life just got really freaking real.

I need to talk to Layla, and I need to book an emergency session with my therapist.

I never in a million years thought that he would want to get back together. I don’t really understand his sudden urgency, as it’s only come about since I mentioned having a baby. It’s like he has this weird claim over me.

Could it really be that simple? That we’d have a baby together and try to make it work?

In some ways, it would be a lot less of a hassle to have a baby with someone I know, and know really well. But as a couple, though? Now that I know Fynn wants more...

I mean, aren’t we supposed to freaking date first before getting into talking about babies?

In some respects, it could be a perfect situation.

But, I have to ask myself some honest questions.

Do I really want to have a baby with Fynn?

What would it be like getting back together with him after all this time?

And the most important part of all…he’s mafia.

I would forever have a tie to that dark side of his life that is dangerous, often uncertain, and filled with threats and violence.

Do I want to bring a baby into a world like that? His world.

I can’t jump into making any rash decisions, especially when it comes to Fynn.

He says he’s changed, but how do I really know he has?
