Page 15 of Charm Me Not

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That’s when it hit me. The motive. I thought he stayed after practice on the assumption that I would be there. But as soon as he saw me, he asked if I needed a ride. Like heknewmy car was still at Tony’s.

“How do you know that?” I spat out, taking a step closer to him. He was taller by a few inches, and obviously more muscular, but I could take him down easily. The Fairview kids weren’t fighters. And though I didn’t like to get my hands dirty per se, I would if I had to.

Charlie backed up out of my personal space, not that it was my intention. But he didn’t back down.

Instead, a faint blush warmed his cheeks as he bit the corner of his lip. “I… I asked around.”

My jaw dropped. He didwhat? “You asked around? For what? Where? Who?”

“About your car. To the body shops in the area.” The pleased look on his face made me narrow my eyes in suspicion. He was like a puppy, waiting to be told he was a good boy for his deeds.

I wasn’t about to give him praise, though. Having someone ask around about my business didn’t sit well with me. I didn’t know why he was digging into my personal life, but I didn’t like it.

Then I considered his words and my face paled. “There’s, like, thirty shops between Teller and Fairview.”

Charlie let out a little chuckle at that and shifted his bag over his shoulder once again. It had to be heavy, and standing there with it must have been uncomfortable.

But not as uncomfortable as this conversation was making me feel. My frustrations from earlier were reemerging, too.

“Yeah, well, it took some time before I found Papa Tony’s on Seventy-Fifth Street, on the far west side of Teller,” he said confidently, as if proud of his accomplishment.

“That explains a lot,” I muttered under my breath. Squaring my shoulders, I gazed down the long road ahead of me, weighing my options. I could either accept a ride from Charlie or walk. Walking would take close to an hour, and I would be gross by the time I got home.

But if I took Charlie up on his offer, he would know where I lived. Where his coach lived. And that seemed like information I didn’t want him to know just yet.

In the end, it was better than walking.

“A ride would be nice,” I finally mumbled, turning around and heading back to the parking lot. I didn’t know which car was his, but if I had to bet, it was one of the luxury vehicles parked close to the soccer field.

I was right. He guided me through the rows to a sporty, silver BMW. Flashy. Outrageous for a teenager. But also predictable, knowing his father owned a luxury car dealership. Driving a showy car like this was practically a billboard.

He put his gear away in the trunk, then hurried to the passenger side to open the door for me. He grinned, looking like he had just won the lottery, or it was Christmas morning.

It was unnerving.

After he got in and pointed the car toward the exit, he spoke again. “You said something earlier. Would you mind telling me what you meant? You said ‘that explains a lot,’ but I’m not sure why.”

I gaped at him, not realizing he had heard me. But, the coincidence was too much to ignore. “Just before I saw you, I had a phone call from Papa Tony. He said my car was going to take another week and cost another hundred dollars. Then you said you asked around and talked to Tony about my car. Seems like an odd coincidence.”

Charlie nodded and pulled out onto the main road. “Okay, I can see that. But I promise, I was only trying to help. I didn’t say anything to him. But then again, he didn’t mention that to me either…”

His voice trailed off, as if he were offended Tony didn’t tell him about my car.

“Turn right here,” I said when we got to the break between Fairview and Teller. I came up with a quick plan to have him drop me off at Ali’s instead of my house. It seemed the safest option.

He followed my directions carefully, the two of us sitting in silence the rest of the time.

“Thanks,” I managed to say before getting out of the car when we arrived at Ali’s. I really did appreciate it, since my own father decided to ditch me.

“Any time. Really. If you need a ride while your car is still out, please find me. It’s my pleasure.” He added a large grin onto the end, and I could have sworn his eye twitched, as if he wanted to add a wink.

I’m glad he didn’t. that sort of charm worked on a lot of the Fairview girls, but not on me. I didn’t swoon, I didn’t fall over guys feet. There was no need when your heart was black and made of ice like mine.

It made things like being next to someone as hot as Charlie Henrikson that much easier.

Chapter 7

