Page 67 of Charm Me Not

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“What did you just ask?”

I gulped, sure he could see the look of sheer panic on my face. “Oh, well, you just mentioned her. And I thought, um, as the daughter of a coach, I mean, lots of coach’s kids play the same sport and…”

He didn’t answer that. He just stared. I stood in place, frozen to the field, my heart ready to burst out of my chest.

I screwed up. Majorly screwed up. Screwed up so badly, I didn’t know if it was possible to come back from this.

Una was going to kill me. Then, she would dig up my corpse and murder me all over again, just for the fun of it. After that, she would bury me so far down, not even the body-sniffing dogs would ever find me.

It was the end of me and Una. No doubt about that.

Chapter 25


This was nothappening. This had never happened before.

Someone messed up, andbad.

I stared at my phone, not believing the words on my screen.

The Fairy Godmother:2:46pm

Here’s a name we’d never thought we’d be saying again. Una Nielsen.

Why are we talking about the leader of the Teller kids? Because it seems she’s found herself a crush. Who’s the lucky man to nab the attention of one gorgeous girl?

That’s the mystery we need to solve, Fairy Tale High. Anyone with information on the apple of Una’s eye, drop us a DM.

But some out there may be asking—does she even deserve the shot at love after what she did to her bestie and ex-step-sister? What do youthink?

Part two coming as soon when we have concrete information…

Did Ideservea shot at love? I didn’t care what they thought I was entitled to. Other people’s opinions never stopped me before. If I wanted it, I found a way to get it. I didn’t take the time to ask if they thought I deserved it or not.

But love… that was a different story. Did I deserve love? If I wanted to be in love, I would be.

Was I?

“Ugh!” I groaned, tossing my backpack at my locker. It hit with a thud and fell to the ground, where I kicked it for good measure. That didn’t help release the frustration inside of me, though.

This whole day I had felt on edge and I didn’t know why. Now, right after the last bell rang, I finally found out.

I should have been on top of this before it spread to the Fairy Godmother. Once it was out there in socials, all hope was lost.

Everyone at Fairy Tale High would be aware within minutes. And since the Fairy Godmother prided themselves on only posting legit information and not only hearsay gossip, people believed it to be true.

The question was, who leaked?

My first thought landed on Aria. She was at Ali’s the other night, asking about guys. Did Ali tell her something? Did Malia? I racked my brain trying to think if I slipped up.

It didn’t matter. She had to be dealt with either way. I shot a quick text.

Me:Flow, Jett—need you to keep an eye on the pretty little Fairview princess. She may be behind my undoing.

Ali strolled down the hallway, his hands in his pockets, his beanie slouched on his head, whistling a cheery tune. It was perfect timing— I needed answers.

“Hey there, Miss Center Stage. How does it feel to be in the spotlight once—oof.” His upbeat attitude changed quickly as I pushed his back against the bank of lockers, pinning him.
