Page 100 of Unsealing Her Fate

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Irene’s eyes meet mine. “We can make sure the café is covered, and Jack, if you get called into work, we can be here with her.”

I tear up again at their unwavering loyalty. I ask myself for the millionth time what I did to deserve them and why I waited so long to trust them.

“I’ll have patrol go by the café every hour while you’re open and throughout the night here. Since the fire was intentional, there should be no problem getting it approved.”

As I listen to everyone go back and forth, discussing all the things that come next, it occurs to me that no one has even talked about the apartment. No one has asked or mentioned how badly it’s burned. My mind has been too absorbed in everything else.

My life hanging in the balance and now everyone else’s being in danger for their association with me ranked a bit higher on the list than, “I wonder if I have regular underwear to wear tomorrow or if they’re all well done and extra crispy.”

Preparing for the worst, I take a cleansing breath and let it go. “How bad is it?”

Jack looks confused for a moment before realization crosses his expression. “I assume you mean the apartment. It was a total loss.” His full lips press into a thin line. He looks more upsetformethan for himself, and it’s his building. “But it could have been so much worse. You could have died.”

Regardless of whatcouldhave happened, I have to swallow my guilt. I’m the reason his place is burnt down. No, it isn’t like I left a candle burning or the stove on, but honestly, I think I’d feel less guilty had that been the case. Instead, I brought this here. My past followed me, and because of that, Jack has to pay the price.


Jack’s expression shifts from sympathy to incredulity. “Don’t you dare blame yourself, Andi. Blame that piece of shit coward, Christopher.” He looks ready to commit murder.

“It’s kind of hard not to blame myself when I’m the whole reason he did it.” I avoid eye contact with him because he looks so intense right now. He looks ready to go to war for me, and it hurts that he even needs to consider it.

He marches over to stand in front of where I sit on the couch. My eyes are on the floor when he drops to his knees in front of me. He grasps my chin gently, tilting my head upward and forcing me to look directly into his painfully beautiful blue eyes.

“I’m only gonna say this once, so you better listen good. This isnotyour fault. Do you understand me? You did what you had to do to survive, and you’re doing everything you can to get your life back. You are one brave, strong, and fierce woman, Andrea Shaw. Don’t let him take that away from you.”

I suck in a sharp breath at his use of my real name. His rich, baritone voice caresses me, raising goosebumps all over my skin. I search his eyes for pity or anger at what I’ve brought to his doorstep. All I find is honesty and pride. My chin wobbles where he still has hold of it. Tears spill and splash against his hand.

Jack extends both his arms and whispers, “Come here.”

I don’t hesitate to crawl into his lap, which forces his backside to hit the coffee table. He wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me in tighter against his chest as he seats himself on the sturdy table behind him.

His warm, woodsy scent envelops me, and for the first time tonight, I start to feel safe. I feel like I’m holding on for dear life as I let him comfort me in one of my darkest moments.

Everyone sits in silence as Jack holds me, his gentle hands running up and down my back. It feels so nice, so safe that I start to doze off. Before I’m completely out, Jack lifts me gently and places me on the couch before tucking a blanket around me.

More shifting around and light footsteps meet my ears.

“We’ll head out. She needs to rest,” Irene says quietly.

“Give her a hug for me when she wakes up. Tell her we love her and are here for her no matter what,” Charlie adds. “Oh… And if you make her sleep on that couch after what she went through tonight, detective or not, you and me are gonna have a problem, sir.”

Even half asleep, I can’t help but smile. I love them so much.

Jack chuckles quietly. “Don’t you worry. I’ll move her in just a minute. Let me walk you out.”

Charlie kisses the top of my head. “Don’t you dare give him crap when he moves you off this couch. You need proper rest. Everything is going to be okay, bestie.”

I don’t have the energy to open my eyes or even respond, but I smirk anyway because she’s always so sassy, and it makes me happy. I love how strong she is, and I pray she’s right. That everything will be okay.

Jack and Irene are on the other side of the couch trying to whisper, but I pick up their words as easily as if they spoke at full volume.

“Jack, make sure to tell us what you need from us. She’s family now, and we want to help,” Irene says.

“Right now, we just need to make sure she’s never alone for him to get to her. He wants it to look like an accident, so I don’t think he’ll come right out and try something,” Jack says.

“Unless he gets desperate enough,” Charlie says, her voice so quiet I barely hear it, but the worry and fear in her tone are palpable.

Everyone goes quiet, absorbing the magnitude of the situation.
