Page 113 of Unsealing Her Fate

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“I’ll book my flight when we hang up. I’ll be sure to mention at least my flight time when talking to Adalyn. That’ll give Christopher enough information to follow me there.”

“You’re sure he will come?” I ask. I need to know we aren’t planning all this for nothing.

“Without a doubt,” Andrew answers without hesitation. “If he thinks for a moment you’re coming back with me to testify against him, he’ll be on the next flight. He’s a sick mother fucker. I’m sorry we ever got involved with him. You, especially, Andrea. He won’t be able to resist looking you in the face. He’ll want you to see he’s won. That you’ve been bested and there’s nowhere else for you to run. This is a sick game to him.”

Andrew’s words send chills all over my body because he’s right. I never knew that side of Christopher until the day he attacked me. I know without any doubt he’s a monster.

I sigh uncomfortably. “What else?” My hands are shaking. Knowing I’ll have to face him again puts a knot in my stomach.

Andrew answers. “The camera will be in place; audio and video. We’ll use a wide lens so we can cover the entire area no matter where you two sta—”

Jack interrupts. “They’ll stand apart, or I’ll intervene. He willnotget close to her. That’s non-negotiable.”

I look at Jack, knowing he’s only trying to protect me, but he has to let me do this. As scared as I am, I’m ready. Iwilldo this.

“Go ahead, Andrew,” I say.

“If there’s an immediate danger to Andrea, we’ll all intervene. But all of us need to go into this with the understanding that we need him to confess,” Andrew says, reiterating the goal.

“We understand,” I say, reassuring him we’re still on board.

I know Jack doesn’t like the idea of this, but it’s the one thing that guarantees this ends here. Andrew continues.

“I’ll come in for coffee with Andrea early in the day at the café. We’ll sit by the front window, ensuring he sees her there. When the café closes for the day, Jack and Irene will be in another room inside the café. Andrea will walk to the front door, turn off the open sign, but you’ll forget to lock the front door.”

This is big, and it’s scary, but it sounds like it could work. “Jack and Irene can wait in Irene’s office. It’s close to the front, but Christopher won’t be able to see inside.” I feel better knowing they’ll be close.

Andrew sighs heavily, and I can hear the hesitation in it, even if his tone was full of conviction moments before. It would seem my brother is just as worried about this as I am, but if I’ve learned anything from being with Christopher, it’s that sometimes people aregreatactors. Andrew has yet to earn my trust back, but depending on how this goes, he might do just that.

“Once he thinks you’re alone, he will, without a doubt, go inside. Again, make sure the door is unlocked. When you go to close, don’t even acknowledge the door exists, so it’ll look like you genuinely forgot. Once he’s inside, he’ll be focused on you. I’ll wait out front to make sure he doesn’t get away. I also need to hear what’s going on, so I can be right there if you need me. If you feel at any point that you want out, yell my name, and I’ll be right there. I promise.”

Emotion wells in my chest as I hear Andrew’s last words. Maybe he really is on our side; I sure hope so.

He continues. “Keep him talking. Big egos love to let everyone know everything they’ve accomplished, so let him admit to as much as you can. Bring up the bank account records and the texts you found. Bring up his connection to Swank’s money scheme and his death. Push him about attacking you and the things he admitted when he thought you’d die and be unable to repeat them.”

Remembering those last moments with Christopher chill me to the bone, and I have to suppress a shiver.

“I can do it,” I say, trying my best to sound brave. I want this to end. I want my life back, and if facing him is what it takes, then I’m all in.

“I know you can. Out of all of us, it’s you.” Andrews words fill me with pride. My older brother, whom I thought wanted me dead as much as Christopher, believes in me.

“Thanks, Andrew. I appreciate that.” My voice cracks a little as I speak.

“Jack, once he confesses, you can make the arrest, right?” Andrew asks.

“Looking forward to it,” Jack replies, grit in his voice.

“Good. I’ll text you my flight info and call after dinner Thursday. Send me the café address, please,” Andrew says.

“Okay.” My mind is fried after this conversation, and I’m unable to say more right then.

“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” Adalyn asks. The worry in her voice is evident.

“I don’t think there’s another way, so yeah, I’m okay with it. I love you. Talk soon, okay?”

“Love you, too,” Adalyn and Andrew say in unison.

The call ends.
