Page 118 of Unsealing Her Fate

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What I say now is fuck that and fuck them.Iget to decide what I want out of life, what makes me happy and what brings me peace. And the answer to that is standing tall in front of me with beautiful blue eyes.Jack. He gives me all those things and more.

He starts to pull away because I’ve been silent for too long, but I don’t let him. I yank him closer and pull his head down to mine.

“You were absolutely right the first time. I’m your girl, and you’re my guy,” I say just before planting a blistering, mouthwatering kiss on the hottest man I’ve ever met.

I’m all in. Wherever this takes us. He returns my kiss feverishly as his free hand slides down to my ass to cup it. He pulls me against him as tight as he can.

A throat clears. “Well now, I figured you two would hit it off, but I severely underestimated the heat level.”

We break apart, both of us looking back to find Irene fanning herself. Heat immediately blooms on my face, and I duck my head against Jack’s shoulder as he laughs off his discomfort of getting caught.

“I think I have what I need here. Thanks, Irene. I’m going into the station to see what other information I can find, and I need to order cameras.” Jacks kisses my forehead before whispering, “I’ll see you in a little bit, yeah?”

I look up at him, feeling like a dreamy teenager. “Yeah.”

Jack leaves, and Irene gives me a knowing look before we head out front. Charlie hounds me for details, and she continues to do so for the rest of the morning.

I love every minute of it. This is where I belong, and these are my people.

My phone buzzes in my pocket, and I pull it out to see a text from Adalyn.

“Flight info: Arriving in Denver @5:05pm Friday.”

I don’t respond before putting my phone away and getting to work. I try my best to push the thoughts away of the upcoming sting operation. Friday. That means two days until Andrew arrives and probably three days before this is over and I get my life back.If all goes well, that is. I wish I could say I feel some type of relief knowing that, but I’m filled with anxiety.

Someone’s hand touches my back, and I jump in response, a squeal slipping from my lips.

“Sorry, Andi. I didn’t mean to startle you,” Charlie says apologetically. “You sure you’re up for working today?”

I feel like an idiot for squealing like I did, but I shake my head. “Hiding at home means he wins, and I’ll be damned if I give him that,” I say, holding my head high.

Charlie pulls me into another hug and whispers, “We won’t let him win, I promise.” She pauses but doesn’t let go. “Promise me you’ll stay here, in Fraser.” Her voice cracks as she asks.

The pleading in her voice breaks my heart. I pull back from her embrace so I can look her in the eyes. “I’m staying. I’ll have to go back to Sacramento to settle things there, but I’ll be back.”

She nods. “Promise?”

“Promise,” I reply, meaning it wholeheartedly.

She smiles and steps back. “Good. Because losing my bestie just isn’t acceptable.” She clears her throat. “Come on. Let’s go get the cases filled before it’s Irene we have to worry about.”

I laugh as we head out of the back. As usual, we set into a familiar, easy rhythm while we work. We fill the cases with delicious pastries and make sure the coffees are brewed before Irene turns on the open sign and unlocks the front door.

The sounds of customers piling into the dining room while chatting with each other along with the familiar ding of the cash register closing and the receipt paper printing comfort me. My anxiety eases as the day goes on, and a sense of normalcy takes over to carry me through the rest of the day.

As I mindlessly finish the last of the cleaning, I realize I’ve already made it through my first day back since the fire.

Jack strides through the front door right at closing, looking absolutely delicious. His smile melts me as he approaches.

He kisses my forehead. “Let’s go home, babe.”

I’mmorethan ready to be home with him. “Okay,” I say, stretching up to kiss his lips.

Charlie gives me a wink and Jack a wave. “See you two tomorrow,” she says as she heads out the door.

“Not so fast, love birds.” Irene’s voice commands our attention.

She walks over, locks the front door, and turns off the open sign. She motions for us to go into her office. We walk together, not quite sure what she wants but also not questioning her.
