Page 121 of Unsealing Her Fate

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I kiss him, pouring all my feelings into our connection. Holding him tight to me, I don’t ever want to let go, and hopefully, I won’t ever have to.

He breaks our kiss, placing his forehead on mine as we catch our breaths.

“Let me finish this so we can go home. I want you all to myself,” he says.

“Deal. Get to it, Detective.” I smack him on the ass, breaking the tension.

I read on my phone as he finishes up in under an hour, and we’re out the door heading back to his house.

When we get through the door, I head for the kitchen to inspect the fridge to see what we’re working with. I want to cook him dinner as a thank you. I feel like I have the better end of the deal out of the two of us. He’s taken on this girl with a shit ton of dangerous baggage.

I hope he doesn’t see it that way, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he does. Least I can do is try to cook the man dinner.

He comes up behind me while I’m bent over and looking in the fridge.

“Hmm, I like this view,” he says as he wraps his arms around me, bringing me up to stand with my back to his chest. Leaning over, he nibbles my ear. I laugh because it tickles, and I try to swat him away. “Oh, does that tickle?” He doubles down, making me squirm and laugh uncontrollably.

Sucking in a breath, I surrender. “Okay, okay uncle!”

“Too much?” he asks. “Looks like I found your weakness.”

I turn in his arms, furrowing my brows at him. “That’s not fair! I don’t know your spot yet.”

He backs up with his arms out wide, a mischievous look on his face. “You can try to find it any time you want, babe.”

I smile. “I’ll take you up on that later. Right now, I’m starting on dinner.”

“Let me change, and I’ll help you.” He walks toward his bedroom.

“Where did you come from, and how did I get so lucky?” I ask.

“I’ve been right here, waiting for you. I’m glad you finally made it,” he calls back.

Turning to look in the direction he walked off in, I see him standing just at the kitchen entrance with the widest smile on his face before he continues down the hall.

How will I survive this man? My heart erratically beats in my chest, ready to burst from his words.

We decided to go with grilled chicken, rice, and veggies for dinner. We both felt relatively confident we could pull that off, and we didn’t do too shabby if I say so myself.

Cooking with Jack is an adventure, one that I hope I’ll get to do more often. He’s fun, playful, and funny. We danced around the kitchen, sang into the spatula, and he grabbed me around the waist to spin me. I haven’t laughed this much in years. My face hurts from smiling so much.

We sit down and dig in, cutting glances to each other between bites.

“What’s something I don’t know about you?” Jack asks.

I ponder for a minute. There’s still a lot we don’t know about each other, but every day we close that gap.

“I love to paint,” I say, holding my breath for his response.

I’m always nervous when someone finds out my secret love for painting, but I’ve made a promise to myself to put my goals and happiness first. Plus, there’s no reason to fear Jack’s reaction.

“Is that why you said you wanted to paint my eyes the first time we met?” he asks curiously.

My eyes squeeze shut as an embarrassed smile crosses my lips. I blush at the reminder of that fateful day. I never would have thought I’d be sitting across from that man, eating dinner, and falling in love with him.

I nod in response.

“What do you paint?” He tilts his head towards me, patiently waiting for me to spill all the beans.
