Page 127 of Unsealing Her Fate

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I try to not show how freaked out I am. I don’t want to second guess myself, let alone Jack, Irene, or Charlie. I have to have faith that I can do this. And I can, I know I can.

By the end of dinner, we’ve gone over everything at least three times. I feel better, and I think Jack does, too.

Exhausted from the day, we head upstairs and fall into bed. There’s nothing like being wrapped in this man’s arms. I hope I get to experience it every day for the rest of my life.

Right before unconsciousness takes me under, I realize Addy never called me.

Friday Morning

I jolt awake to the sound of my phone ringing at…Midnight!?

Jumping up, I go straight for my phone and answer. “Hello.” I rub my eyes and shift to sit on the side of the bed.

“Andrea! He took the bait! Hook, line, and sinker!” Addy almost shouts at me.

My shoulders actually sink with relief. I feel it so much in that moment it’s overwhelming. I gasp, reaching for Jack.

He bolts upright. “What! What is it! Are you okay?” He pats me down, looking for something I can’t quite figure out.

“Yes, everything’s okay. Addy says Christopher took the bait!”

My feelings are all over the place. I understand the danger, but knowing this shitty chapter of my life is coming to a close is a reason to be excited.

“Well, of course, the fucker did,” Jack responds sleepily.

Addy speaks with clear amusement in her voice. “Girl, you have some explaining to do. Why are you with Jack in the middle of the night? He sounds sleepy, and so do you. Plus, he wasrightnext to you when he woke up. That means the two of you are in the same bed. Am I right?” She laughs.

“We’ll have plenty of time for that later. First, we have some ass kicking to do,” I say confidently.

Excitement courses through me. I’m more pumped than I would’ve thought. Knowing I’ll have my life back soon relieves some of my earlier anxiety.

“It’s almost over, Sister. Just a few more days. You better stay safe, or I’m coming all the way to Colorado to kick your ass myself,” Addy says.

“I promise I will. I promise. Talk soon. I love you.”

“Love you, too,” she responds before the call ends.

I turn around to fully face Jack. I throw my arms around his neck. “Holy shit, this has to work,” I say in his ear.

He gently runs his hands up and down my back, soothing me. “It will, and after, we can start our life together.” His lips move down the column of my throat. I moan in response, tilting my head to the side so he has better access. “You like that don’t you?” He nibbles on the sensitive skin at the base of my throat.

When it starts to tickle, I laugh and pull away. Jack scoots back to lean against the headboard. Unable to resist this man, I climb into his lap and run my hands through his dark, wavy hair. It feels so silky smooth. I lean forward and press my lips gently to his.

“I want this to be over more than anything. I want the weight of Christopher’s sins off my back. Free to live my life… Hopefully, with you,” I say shyly, as I pull back to gaze into his eyes.

Jack studies me intently for a few moments. “Just to be clear, because it sounds like I haven’t made my intentions clear enough, I want you. Today, tomorrow, next week, next year. I’m all in.” A guttural sound escapes his lips, his eyes so full of love it’s overwhelming.

We meet each other in the middle, our lips fusing together in an explosive embrace. Every nerve ending in my body ignites, and I shift forward to get closer to him. He reaches behind me to grab my ass and uses the leverage to guide me up and down his lengthening shaft. Heat instantly pools at the apex of my thighs.

Our hands are everywhere. His slide up underneath my night shirt, touching my bare back. I need more, and I want to feel every inch of his skin. I want to lick each individual ab before running my tongue down the deep cleft in the center of them. I reach down to pull his shirt over his head. He leans forward to help me, breaking our kiss to raise his arms.

Just as I get his shirt over his head, he leans back. A fiery look in his eyes. “Do you hear what I’m saying, Andrea?”

His question lights me up. Butterflies flutter throughout my stomach, and my nerves rear up, threatening to ruin this moment. However, even more than all the jitters is tremendous joy, happiness, and love.

There’s so much love I feel like I might burst if I don’t show this man who has beensogood to me. I want nothing more than to spend my days in this small Colorado town, painting and making love to the sexiest detective I’ve ever seen. It only takes me a split second to have my answer.

“Crystal clear, Detective,” I say right before our lips violently crash together. Teeth gnashing, tongues dueling, and moans echoing off the walls.
