Page 132 of Unsealing Her Fate

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I turn my focus to the tasks at hand. I need the distraction. Charlie and I get to work making the morning pastries, but it isn’t quite the distraction I had in mind when she starts in with the inevitable questions.

“I want all the details, and don’t you leave anything out,” she demands without looking up. A wide smile almost splits her face.

“I’m not one to kiss and tell, thank you very much,” I say, acting innocent.

She gives me an incredulous look and nudges me. “No fair, chick! Yougottagive me something…” I shake my head. “Just alittlesomething…” I shake my head again, my smile growing as her frustration does. “C’mon…amorselof information.” I shake my head again. She huffs, lightly stomping her foot. “Seriously? Nothing at all? I’m not picky. Was it big?”

I snort and laugh at her persistence. While it’s embarrassing, it’s also amusing. I only smile at her but offer no details, nor do I scold her for asking about his dick size.

She grumbles something about paying me back for this, which makes me snort another laugh, but she drops it. We continue to get the cases filled and the coffees brewed.

When the time to open rolls around, we’re fully prepared and waiting for the morning rush. Time always passes quickly when we’re busy, and I love that. After the rush dies down, Charlie and I clean up and start lunch prep. Thankfully, there isn’t as much to do with that. It’s mostly warming soups and slicing veggies for sandwiches.

“Andi, will you come here for a moment?” Irene’s voice calls from her office.

Charlie gives me a nod. “I’ve got this, go ahead.”

Irene sits behind her desk. She motions for me to sit down when I walk in, and I do.

“What’s up?” I ask, cheerfully.

She gives me a kind smile. “I just want to make sure you’re okay. That you’re good to go with what’s coming.”

Her genuine concern makes my heart swell. “I’m good to go.”

I feel sure of myself and sure of our plan.

Charlie greets a customer, and her voice carries to the back. The acoustics in the building make it so we always know when customers are here. I lean to see how many have come in, and I jerk back in the seat so hard I slide off the edge and onto the floor.

Irene jolts out of her seat. “What is it? What’s wrong?!”

“Shhh!!” I shush her before crawling behind her desk. I keep my voice a whisper because I’m afraid if I used any sound at all, I’d scream bloody murder. “It’s Christopher! He’s here! In the dining room!”

My entire body shakes as I sit firmly on my ass on the floor behind Irene’s desk. I didn’t realize just how badly seeing him would affect me. This is a far worse reaction than I expected.

Suddenly, I’m doubting my part in this plan. There’s at least fifty feet, several walls, and his lack of attention to separate us, and Istillcan’t handle it. How the hell am I supposed to talk to him directly while not letting him on to anything we’re doing?

“Calm down,” she consoles me. “He doesn’t know you’re here. Just stay here. I’ll be back.”

She walks out front, the office door clicking shut behind her. I strain my ears, desperately trying to hear what’s being said. My breath whooshes out when I realize he’s just ordering lunch.

The fucking prick is just ordering food, like he belongs here. A few moments pass and Irene reappears, Charlie on her heels.

“Did he say anything?” Irene beats me to the question.

“He asked about the town, and about the café. His eyes were shifting around the whole time, he was looking for you for sure.” Charlie answers, nibbling her lip, worry and concern radiating off her in waves as she takes in my expression.

“Do you think he suspects anything? I whisper. I’m terrified that he is here but even more terrified that our plan may be spoiled.

Charlie starts shaking her head almost violently. “No, I don’t think he suspects anything. I think he was hoping to catch a glimpse of you, catch you off guard. He seemed disappointed that you weren’t up front.”

Irene offers me a hand to help me off the floor. My shaky legs don’t hold me long, and I collapse in her office chair, my head landing in my hands.

“I didn’t expect to react that way. I’m sorry,” I say, embarrassed.

“Sorry for what? Facing the man who tried to kill you with his bare hands?” Charlie asks as if I’m completely insane for apologizing at all. “Don’t you apologize. If I’d realized that was him beforehand, I would’ve wiped the floor with his bread!”

Charlie is clearly pissed off. I manage a laugh at her bread on the floor comment. It’s every bit of something she’d say, and I love her for it. She’s predictably unpredictable.
