Page 143 of Unsealing Her Fate

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I feel a prick on my arm at the juncture of my elbow. The sting immediately alleviates before a rush of something cold hits my vein.Oh, that feels nice. A warm, numbing sensation starts to take over, and once the pain declines, my stomach starts to feel better, too.

“There, you should be feeling a little better very soon,” the doctor says.

I just nod my head, approving of this doctor. Where has he been this whole time? I’m sure Jack isn’t a fan, but Ilovethat man right now. Doctor Whatever-His-Name-Was is my hero.

Of course, that could be the meds talking.

“Don’t go making dough eyes at the doc. I’m right here, babe.”

I look over to find him smirking at me, and I’m actually able to return it. “Don’t be jealous, Jack. He’s just got the good stuff.”

I feel like I’m floating, and I giggle at the sensation. Jack’s furrowed brow softens when he realizes the pain is going away.

He steps up to the bed and cradles the top of my head. Leaning over, he puts his face right at the curve of my shoulder and neck.

In a broken whisper, he says, “I thought I might lose you there for a minute. I saw all the blood, and then you passed out. I’ve never been so scared.”

I try to reach up and comfort him, wanting to say I’m not going anywhere, but I can’t seem to get my arm to cooperate. It feels too heavy, and so do my eyelids. Before I’m pulled back under, I manage to summon enough energy to force out, “I’m not going anywhere. I love you.”

“I love you too, baby. Just rest. I’ll be here when you wake up.” A warm kiss presses to my lips as I go off into a dreamless sleep.

I wake to commotion in the room. Someone is lying on my right side, and a hand is gripping my left. My mouth is too dry, and my eyelids too heavy.

I’m more alert than I have been though. Determined to open my eyes, I blink them open several times before it sticks.

Several people speak at once. “There you are,” followed by, “Open your eyes, baby. You have people here who want to see you.”

It takes a minute to adjust to the light in the room, but when I do, I notice Andrew standing in the corner with his arms crossed and a look of desperate relief on his face. I look over and find Charlie standing next to him, making side-eyed glances at Andrew.

What in the hell is that about?

Someone shifts next to me, and I realize it’s Addy. I cry out with excitement at the sight of my baby sister. Tears spill down her face.

“Don’t cry. I’m okay,” I croak out, trying to swallow to get moisture in my throat.

“Here, drink this.” Jack places a straw to my lips, and I take a drink of the ice-cold water in that blessing of a cup. He must have been who held my hand.

Irene steps up. “I gotta say, girl, that was one hell of a way to scare the crap out of all of us.”

The room goes even quieter before I burst out into giggles, wincing from the pain of moving my shoulder, and I stop. There’s a collective sigh of relief from the room. Everyone is just glad it’s over.

I turn my head to Addy. “What day is it? How did you get here so fast?”

She dips her head, a sly look on her face. “I may not have listened to you about not coming, but we can talk about that later.”

If I wasn’t so drugged on pain killers, I think I’d be pissed at her. She could have gotten hurt!

Before I can say anything to her, a handsome man in a white lab coat enters the room. He has sandy blonde hair that’s styled back away from his face, a tall muscular frame, and striking green eyes.

Addy sits up in the bed, swinging her legs to the side. Her gaze is glued to the gorgeous doctor.

“Ah, good to see you finally awake, Ms. Shaw. I need to check you over.” He turns to the room. “Can all of you please give us a minute?”

Irene, Charlie, and Andrew head for the door. Addy lingers, glancing back at me like she can’t bear the thought of leaving me.

“It’s okay. It should just take a minute, right doc?” I say, trying to ease her tension.

“Yep, just a minute. She’s in good hands.” He looks at Addy with a kind smile on his face, his gaze scanning her intently.
