Page 18 of Unsealing Her Fate

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He thought it helped give him an edge to winning his cases. Since his promotion, however, I didn’t think he really kept in touch with them anymore. He followed in my dad’s footsteps, unlike me.

Andrew is the oldest and has always been the strict no-nonsense guy who was laser focused at being the best at anything he did. It made more sense for him to follow in my dad’s footsteps versus me or my sister.

My sister and I have always been more whimsical, much to my family’s dismay. Thinking back on it, that may be why they pushed me to date Christopher so much. With him, they’d practically get a carbon copy of my brother.

I let out a heavy sigh as Andrew and I follow after the detective. I gesture for them to have a seat on the couch, and I take a seat across from them.

I clear my throat, trying to think of a way out of answering questions. Christopher’s words from earlier ringing in my head. While I don’t want to lie, but I’m nervous enough to give a voice to my suspicions.

I suddenly stand. “Would either of you like a drink? I need to get myself some water.”

“I’d love some water, thank you,” Detective Monroe says.

My brother simply shakes his head. “No, thanks.”

I start towards the kitchen, which is down the hall near the back of the house. It’s one of the things I loved about this house when we first looked at it. It’s not an open concept like so many renovated homes in the area. It’s true to the era. The bones of the house and every room are still separate from each other.

I’m thankful for the private moment where I can try to pull my thoughts together and think about how I want to play this. As I pull the glasses down, I feel someone move behind me. I whirl around and almost run into Andrew.

“Lord, Andrew! What are you doing? You scared the crap out of me.”

He moves even closer and hisses something I never would have seen coming. “You need to be very careful about what you say to that detective out there.”

I back up until my butt hits the counter, putting some space between the two of us.

“And what exactly do you think I’ll tell him, Andrew? I appreciate your support, but I’m still confused on why you’re here.”

His shoulder’s slightly bunch at my words. “Like I said, I overheard they were coming and wanted to be here for you.”

I move around him to the refrigerator to fill the two glasses with water.

“Look, all I know is that Swank is dead, and Christopher has been pretty sketchy the past few days,” I say flatly.

“Well, definitely don’t say that to the detective,” he replies quickly.

I keep my back facing him because what else can I say? I don’t know why he’s here, and I have no idea how to answer whatever questions the detective will ask without lying or incriminating my fiancé. That last thought was cut short when Andrew grasps my elbow, turning me to face him.

In a lowered voice and through gritted teeth, he says, “I’m not fucking around, Andrea. This is bigger than any of us. You’ll fuck over our entire family–including precious Addy—and your future will be screwed if you give the wrong statement out there. Keep your answers short because you know nothing, got it?”

He storms away before I can answer. I feel like I’m in an alternate universe right now. My brother has always been intense, but that was something entirely different, and it sure as hell sounds like he knows something.

Did Christopher go to him for advice, or is it something much more sinister?

After taking a moment to calm myself in the kitchen, I walk out with water for myself and Detective Monroe. “Sorry for the delay, Detective,” I say without offering an explanation.

“That’s alright, Ms. Shaw. No apology is necessary.”

I give him a tight smile and glance at Andrew. He gives me a nod, a stern expression in place.

“Ms. Shaw, I just have a few questions for you. This should be short, and I apologize for dropping in without notice this evening,” he starts.

“Please, call me Andrea, and that’s okay. I want to help in any way I can.”

“Alright, Andrea,” he says with a kind smile. “I’m here because, as you may have heard, your fiancé’s old business partner was murdered. Did you see anything about that?”

I clear my throat to steady my voice as much as possible. “Yes, I saw that on the news. I was deeply sorry to hear about it.”

Detective Monroe reaches for his glass of water and takes a small sip. “Do you know where Mr. Gates was when Mr. Swank was murdered?”

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