Page 2 of Unsealing Her Fate

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Istumbleback,andhe takes the opportunity to charge me again. This time, he makes contact because I’m disoriented. I hit the ground hard, and his fists make contact with my face. Now I’m fuckingpissed. I should’ve just killed him outside that house and tossed him in the fucking trunk.

Igetseveralhardblows in, covering his kidneys and head. Our grunts and the waves hitting the shore in the bay are the only sounds in the otherwise peaceful night. He finally relents. I push him off me as I get to my feet and wipe the blood from my mouth. “I’m going to enjoy every fucking moment of killing you now.”

NowthatI’vegotmy wits about me again, he’s no match for me. I grab him by the neck and slam his head into the side of the car over and over. Blood oozes from his head all over the white paint of the rental car. When I release him, he slides down the car and onto the ground.

Myphoneringsagain,and I answer it this time. “Yeah?”

Thepersonontheother end asks a barrage of questions, but only one really matters. “Is it done?”

Ipullmygunfrom my waistband and pull the trigger.?BANG. “Yeah, it’s done.” I click “end” on my phone, hanging up on the person. I have shit to do.


Chapter 1

Myarmfeelsalittle funny. Tingles crawl up from my hand, and my neck feels strange.Why does it hurt?I try to reach up to rub it, but my arm doesn’t work. I try again. Nothing.What the hell?I flutter my eyes open next. That’s easier, and some light makes its way through.

I roll my head to the side, causing another zip of discomfort. I blink my eyes the rest of the way open. The bedside lamp is on, and a soft glow illuminates the room. I’m in our bed, slumped over on my side because I fell asleep sitting up.

No wonder my neck hurts, and my arm went numb.

The TV is still on, turned to a late-night news program playing a repeat from the news earlier this evening. My ears perk up at the mention of Christopher. I grab the remote and turn the volume up.

“Katie is in front of the California State Capitol in Sacramento, where Senator Christopher Gates has cast a very controversial vote for the people of California, going against his predecessor and fellow Senator Ken Williamson.Katie, what does this mean for Senator Gates’ future in politics?”

“Thank you, Tom. It’s hard to say right now. It’s definitely a risk that Gates took. One that could catapult his career to the next level or end it here and now. Only time will tell.”

Frustrated, I turn the TV off. You can’t make everyone happy. I learned that the hard way a long time ago. Christopher has always pushed the envelope where his career is concerned. Anytime I’ve expressed concerns about a risky vote or a political play, he’s always reassured me it was what was right. Right for the people of California, right for his career, and right for us. He asks for my trust, and even if sometimes I don’t agree or understand it fully, I give it because he hasn’t led me astray.

He's provided for us. Every wish and dream, I’ve had he has made come true. Well, all except one, but that’s partly my fault. Sometimes, I get in my own way. I shake those thoughts from my head, accepting that some things are better left in the dark.

He asked me to marry him three months ago, saying that it was time. That this is what is expected from us. I said yes, trusting he has our best interests in mind and knowing this is the life I’m expected to lead.

I glance over at the clock, noting it’s a little after two in the morning. Much later than he normally gets home.

Is he okay? Where the hell is he?

I fell asleep waiting for him to come home. I want to surprise him. We hardly ever get time together anymore. He’s been stressed about the vote the news talked about. It’s been late nights at the office for months now.

I’ve kept myself busy as well because I didn’t want to come home to an empty house. I work at an art studio in town as the assistant director. I love my job; I love everything about it. I only wish I could have my own art displayed among all the wonderful artists we showcase.

Quit being silly, Andrea. Maybe in another lifetime. It’s just another dream that can’t come true.

I reach for my phone to call him to make sure he’s okay. Before I can hit dial, I hear the front door close with aclick.

I throw the covers off and slip out of bed.I finally have the chance to surprise him and hopefully steal time for just the two of us before any of the stressors can take him away again.

I tiptoe down the long hallway from our room, careful to keep my steps light as I pad down the stairs. A small smile pulls at my lips. I look down to take in the soft, silk cami I put on earlier, and I hope I won’t be wearing it for much longer. I’m usually fast asleep when he’s out this late, so I'm excited by the thought of time alone with him.?

As I move closer, I hear him speaking in a hushed tone. Something sounds off, causing me to hesitate. His tone is all wrong. I inch a little closer to make out what he’s saying, hugging the wall in the hallway with every tiny step.?I strain my ears as goosebumps pebble my arms. My breathing slows to shallow, quiet breaths.

His voice comes in louder, more aggressive until I finally catch the tail end of the conversation. “This has been a problem for too fucking long! I’ve trusted you to handle it, and you fucking haven’t, so I’m taking matters into my own hands.”

There is slight pause, and my heartrate kicks into overdrive. The pounding is so loud I can barely hear his next words.

A low, menacing tone leaves his lips, “…I don’t care who he is! He had no right. I want him gone… No,youdon’t understand. Gone.As in from this world. He will pay for what he’s done.”
