Page 22 of Unsealing Her Fate

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“Then I’ll have the same,” I reply.

The server returns to take our order, and then he’s gone again just as fast. I wish I could say I’m excited to try the chicken parmesan, but my stomach is still in knots.

The energy between us is heavy. I hate this, but I have to press her for more information.

I clear my throat. “You were saying that Dad and Andrew have been different since Jonathan’s body was found. How so?” I feel a little guilty for pushing her on, but I need to know.

She hesitates, and I can tell she isn’t sure she wants to say any more. I soften my expression and give her a moment.

“Like I said before, they don’t tell me anything directly. I overhear things.” She rakes her hands through her normally perfect hair. With a huff, she continues. “That’s how all this started. A month or so ago, I was up in my bedroom when I heard yelling downstairs. I went down to see what was going on. Christopher, Dad, and Andrew were in Dad’s office. Christopher was yelling about Jonathan Swank, and how he would regret ratting us out.

“Us?” I interrupt, unable to stop myself. She cuts her eyes away from me, and I can tell she doesn’t want to say what she’s about to. I hold my breath, scared of what might come next.

“I didn’t know right away, but… then Christopher continued.” Adalyn shakes her head before continuing. “He said, ”He’ll pay, even if I have to do it myself. He will pay!”

I cover my mouth with my hand to stifle my gasp.

She fidgets with her napkin on the table, her eyes downcast. “I was listening at the door, then the door swung open, and Andrew ran right into me. He knew that I had heard.”

Adalyn hangs her head further, as if she has some responsibility in any of this. I squeeze her hand, wanting to say something, but I can’t find the words.

When the server arrives with our food, my stomach flips at the thought of taking even one bite. We sit in silence, cutting and pushing our food around our plates. Neither of us take a bite.

“I knew my phone didn’t hang up,” Adalyn says hesitantly without looking up from her plate.

I know what she is referring to, but I ask anyway. “What do you mean?”

“The voicemail I left. I knew you’d hear them. I laid my phone face down so they couldn’t see the call was still connected. I couldn’t bear…” Her voice cracks, and she straightens herself in her chair. Her lip quivers as she looks directly into my eyes. “I couldn’t bear the thought of you thinking I’d betray you.”

I give her a smile and nod, trying my best to rein in my emotions. We both dab tears from our eyes with our cloth napkins.

“Well then,” I say, “what is it they want you to do with me, exactly?”

Taking a sip of her wine, Adalyn tilts her head side to side like she’s deciding how to word it.

“They want me to either convince you to do as they say, get you to stop talking about anything you heard, or I have to continue telling them everything you tell me so they can decide how todealwith you. ‘Deal with you’ are Andrew’s words,” she says, air quoting what our brother said.

I think for a moment. “Consider me convinced.”

Her fork clatters to her plate, and she looks at me in surprise. Her mouth hangs open slightly, seemingly speechless for a moment.

“You can tell them you convinced me. I’ll be on my best behavior,” I say with a hint of a smile.

“Andrea, you can’t be serious!” She leans in and lowers her voice. “Youmustrealize what they’ve done? You’re just going to let it go?”

I shake my head; she clearly isn’t picking up what I’m putting down. “Of course not, Adalyn. We’re going to beat them at their own game.”

I pull some cash out and leave it on the table, more than enough to cover the bill and a generous tip. I stand and wait for Adalyn. As she stands, I slip my arm through hers, and we head for the door.

I give her a soft smile as I wave my hand in the air to hail a cab. “We should get back, so we don’t seem suspicious. You have a report to give, and I have some digging to do.”

Chapter 9

Thecabridehomeis quiet, both of us seemingly lost in our heads while we come up with our own plans on how to proceed. Adalyn doesn’t walk me to the door; there is no need. I turn and wave, watching her pull away. The cabbie will deliver her back home, where I’m sure Dad and Andrew are waiting.

Unlocking the door and walking inside, all is quiet.

“Christopher, I’m home,” I call out and wait for an answer.
