Page 35 of Unsealing Her Fate

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We stare at each other with apprehension.

My brows furrow. “I think I need to go home and pack a bag. I can’t stay there with him anymore. I have tomorrow to get some things together before he gets back, and I can go to a hotel for a few days.” I quickly text the pictures I took of the burner phone messages to Addy, wanting us both to have them just in case. “Save those on your phone and put them in a locked folder no one can see. Then delete them from your messages. We may need them later, and they need to stay safe and hidden.”

Knowing I can’t linger at my parents’ much longer before mom gets back, I stand, ready to call a cab.

“Let me drive you home. You look exhausted, and I want to get out of the house for a bit.”

Her offer brings me instant relief because she’s right; I’m bone deep tired. The stress and anxiety of the past few hours hit me at once. I nod my agreement and follow her out to the garage. She has a car to commute to school and back.

We get in, buckle up, and settle into an unpeaceful silence. Neither of us speaks. Hell, I don’t even move most of the way home. Addy isn’t much better. The one time I look, I see her eyes fixed and unfocused on the road. I can tell she’s seeing without paying attention. It’s muscle memory, habit, and pure luck that gets us back to the brownstone.

But I say nothing to break her out because I’m just as lost in my own mind.

She pulls to a stop in front of the brownstone and leans over the console to hug me wordlessly. I squeeze her hard.

“I love you, Sis. I’ll call you in the morning. Thank you for everything.”

More tears burn as they threaten to escape.

“You don’t have to thank me. I love you, and I’ll do anything for you. Do you believe me?”

I take in the serious expression on her face and nod. “I believe you, and I’ll do anything to protect you. You got that?”

She nods in confirmation.

I get inside and head straight up to the bedroom I share with Christopher, with plans to pack. However, I first detour to the bed and sit. I’m seriously thinking of lying down for a bit. All this is exhausting, and I just want to close my eyes for a few minutes. I lie back and get comfortable. A quick catnap, then I’ll have the energy to pack.

I jolt awake in the silent brownstone.Damn, I must have fallen asleep. I feel somewhat refreshed. I haven’t slept well in days now, and it must have caught up to me. Looking at the clock, it’s past 10:00 AM.

That gets me moving. I’ve wasted too much time.

I head straight for my closet and drag out my largest suitcase, which is still partially packed from the last time I was determined to leave. At least I have time to pack properly this time.

Reaching in for the items hastily packed before, I remove and separate them into piles. A few days in a hotel will do me good. I walk around, gathering casual clothes, undergarments, pjs, a few nice outfits for work, and finally shoes.

After laying everything out on the bed, I head back to the closet for my hanging garment bag, then into the bathroom to grab hygiene items and my makeup kit.

“What else?” I say out loud to myself. “Charger. I need my phone charger.”

I lay the new armload of items on the bed before grabbing it from my bedside table.

I want to sit down and cry, but I urge myself on. I have to get things packed and find a hotel to stay in.

Next on the list is a baseball cap and sunglasses I put in my handbag. I don’t want to be recognized while checking in to a hotel. I think one across town is better. The further from here I am, the less likely I am to be tempted to run back home.

All the thoughts of what we’ve found swirl in my head. I know everything we’ve found is terrible. Having someone murdered is pretty damning all on its own—actually, it’s completely damning—but somehow, his cheating still cuts me to the core.

It’s something I never even considered could happen. I shake my head, pushing those thoughts aside. I place the items into my suitcase.

The front door slamsloudly.

“Andrea!” Christopher’s voice tears through the brownstone.

My heart leaps into my throat.

What the fuck is he doing here?!

He’s here, and he is MAD!
