Page 59 of Unsealing Her Fate

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“It doesn’t matter what Christopher or anyone else thinks at this point. You and I know something big happened and is likely to happen again. We have to find a way to take him down. I can’t make sense of Andrew not helping Christopher, though. They’re in this together, aren’t they?” I ask.

Before she can answer, a voice breaks across the call.“Please insert twenty-five cents.”I dig in my bag, desperate for another quarter, but I come up with nothing.

“I don’t have another quarter, Addy. I’ll contact you again as soon as I can. I love you so much.” I talk as fast as I can. The automated operator continues to issue the warning.

“Use my student email! They aren’t monitoring it and I can check it at school. Over the phone isn’t safe enough.” She rushes out before the call ends. I slam the receiver down on the hanger.Dammit.

I take a few moments to compose myself, to get my breathing and heart under control, before walking back inside. By the time I make it inside to Irene, my heart is still a little fast, and as usual, she doesn’t miss a thing. Her eyes lock on mine as she sees me approach, her expression sympathetic. I’m sure that call is written all over my face. I clench my jaw, determined not to cry in this store.

Alongside Irene, she doesn’t say a word. She probably knows I’m barely holding it together.

“Let’s go checkout and head home, okay?” she says quietly.

“Home,” I whisper, staring straight ahead and barely giving a nod.

We checkout, pack up the groceries, and ride back in silence, while I replay every word of my conversation with Adalyn in my anxious mind. I’m furious that Christopher has used this mess to his advantage. To make it look likehewas the one who was attacked. Thatattackhe’s crying about almost killed me.Healmost killed me. I disappeared because I had to, not because I wanted to.

The thing that confuses me most is why Andrew wouldn’t help Christopher find me. He knows every judge in Sacramento, and most of the cops. He could have had my ticket information within minutes. I can’t make sense of him denying Christopher.

He is forcing Christopher’s hand, Christopher must play the doting, concerned fiancé. To do that he has to go through the proper channels. He is being watched too closely to try anything shady or‘unlawful’to find me.

“Over analyzing every word won’t change a thing now.” Irene’s gentle words finally break the silence.

I scrub my hands over my face. I want to talk to her, but I don’t know how much I can say. “I don’t know what to do or how to fix this.”

“I don’t know your story, so I can’t tell you what to do. What Icando is speak from my own experience. Hypothetically, if you were in danger and ran, you did the right thing. You can’t fix anything if you’re dead.”

I nod, knowing she’s right. Self-preservation has never been my strong suit, but I knew when he attempted to squeeze the life from me that I couldn’t stay. Not just in the Brownstone, but even in Sacramento. He’s too powerful, with too much influence. He would never let me live after all he’d confessed. I need to forgive myself for the choices he forced me to make.

After what feels like a year-long drive, we pull up behind the café. This day has emotionally exhausted me, starting from when I woke up from that awful nightmare. The echoes of Adalyn’s screams still ring in my mind. Talking to her on the phone, hearing the relief in her voice when she realized I’m safe… All of it has taken a piece of me today, but it was worth the risk, Ihope. While I hope I didn’t break her heart again by not telling her where I am, I’m glad that I gave nothing away. I have to keep her safe, no matter what.

I get out of the truck and walk over to open the back café entrance. Irene walks in ahead of me and calls inside. “Charlie, we’re back!”

Within a few moments, Charlie comes bouncing out back to help us unload. She tied her hair up in a bun, and she has a big smile painted on her face. She’s always so upbeat and happy.

“That’s a lot of stuff!” Her eyes widen when she investigates the back of the truck.

“Sure is,” Irene says. “Let’s get it all inside. There’s a lot left to do yet before we can get out of here.”

We each grab items and haul them inside, putting everything in its place along the way. It doesn’t take long to get everything to its destination with the three of us working together.

Once we finish, Irene heads up front to lock the front door and turn off the open sign. She comes into the kitchen and digs around in the commercial refrigerator. Much to my surprise, she pulls out three beers.

“Ladies, we earned these beers today,” she says, handing each of us an ice-cold bottle.

After the day I’ve had so far, this is quite a welcome way to end it. With friends. Without hesitation, we all open them and take a swig.

Chapter 21

It’sSaturdaymorning,andI’d been warned that Saturday is the café’s busiest day. Charlie and Irene weren’t exaggerating in the least. I’m beat by the end of the shift. Seems everyone wanted a special treat to celebrate the weekend.

Charlie invited Irene and I to go out to a local bar tonight and even though I’m tired, I’m looking forward to going. The stress of everything really hit me last night when I went back to the motel. I’m still emotionally raw from talking to Addy. I want to lose myself in drinks and dancing for one night.

I shake my head to dispel any negative thoughts. I’ve already analyzed every part of our conversation yesterday a million times. I have no more answers now than I did then. I know nothing more about how to stop Christopher and get my life back than I did twenty-four hours ago, so going out is exactly what I need right now.

I make it back to the motel in record time. I shower again to get all the scents of the café off me and take my time getting ready. Charlie let me borrow a cute pair of heels and a dressier top, since I have nothing like that anymore. I want to feel good tonight.

It’s a little past seven when Charlie shows up to pick me up. We’re going to a bar on the other side of town. It’s closer to the mountain resorts, so we have to drive. I walk outside to find her walking towards that red sports car I saw her drive the other day, and my eyes widen before I whistle.
