Page 64 of Unsealing Her Fate

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I don’t know who’s more excited here, her over learning about a new and interesting talent I have or me over having my work seen and appreciated.

My smile is so wide that my face hurts. “It’s one of the things I want to focus on now that I’m here. It’s part of my background, but I’ve never been able to be fully open about it. Do you really think people would like them?” I chew nervously on my nail, waiting for her response.

She gives me a look. “Are you serious? Of course they would! I want one to hang at my house. Hey, maybe we can get Irene to let you hang them up in the café to sell!” She jumps up, pacing back and forth with a fire in her eyes. “Yes, that would be perfect! Irene won’t have any problem doing that. Let’s call her right now!”

I laugh. “Woah, woah, woah, slow down there, speed racer. I’m open to talking to her, but let’s not bother her on her only day off. We can talk to her tomorrow at the café.”

She slows, taking a moment to think about it. “Okay, I guess you are right. I’m sure she’s busy with Joe right now, anyway.” She faces me fully. “Andi, promise me you won’t back out of talking to her. You deserve to have everyone see your work. You’re an incredible artist. You shouldn’t hide it.”

“I promise I’ll talk to her. I’m done being scared of people knowing I love to paint.”

A confused look crosses her face, like she doesn’t understand why I would be scared of something so silly, but she says nothing. Slowly, I watch as she hesitantly lets it go.

We spend the rest of the evening finishing our Mexican food and watching baking competitions on TV. It’s the best day I’ve had in a long time. It’s been so long since I’ve had a real friend.

Christopher consumed my entire world. I let college friendships fall to the wayside, never really letting myself get close to anyone new. I’m not even sure why. I made excuses to myself that it was because we were too busy.

When I really think about it though, I realize it was because of little comments Christopher would make after every time I made plans to go out with friends.

“Why can’t you stay home with me?”

“Didn’t you just go out with them?”

My favorite was,“I feel like you want to spend time with your friends more than you want to spend time with me.”

I pulled back little by little, because of comment after comment. I convinced myself I was just too busy, but deep down, it was because I didn’t want to hear it from Christopher. It wasn’t worth the fight.

I would say, “No, I can’t go out tonight,” “I’m too tired,” or “Christopher and I already have plans,” until the invites stopped coming altogether.

With fire in my belly, I vow to never make that mistake again. No man will ever have that kind of power over me again. I’m free to hang out with whoever I want, do whatever I want, and eat whatever I want. I can have it all and not give a damn about what anyone will think.

It’ll just take time for my heart and head to fully accept it.

I’m falling asleep when Charlie finally sits up. “I should get out of here and let you get some rest. I’ll see you bright and early in the morning, bestie.”

Nodding, I stand to walk her out. “Thank you so much. You have no idea how badly I needed this.”

As we hug our goodbye, she says, “Anytime. I’m always here for you. No matter what.”

I smile as she pulls away, and she gives a small wave as she steps out into the breeze way. I lock up and head straight to bed, falling asleep with a smile on my face. Today was a good day.

And I can’t help but hope it’s the first of many more.

Chapter 23

Itwasn’tashardto wake up this morning, and I walked in to work with a skip in my step. I’m excited to talk to Irene today about hanging some paintings to sell. I hope she’s open to the idea, and Charlie seems to think she’ll say yes. I just don’t want to get my hopes up.

I also need to think about how I’ll afford the supplies to get started. Irene cashed me out on Saturday, but saving for a place to stay is the priority right now. I had to prepay for another week at the motel, and I can’t do that forever, but I don’t have any solid leads on a place to rent, either. I check the newspaper listings every day, but so far, nothing has come up.

“Andi, can you get Jack’s coffee?” Charlie calls out from the register.

I’m in the back loading up the scone tray since it’s almost empty already.

“Sure thing!” I call back. I hurry the scone tray to the front and slide it into the case just as a shadow passes over it.

“Morning, Andi.” His voice has a deep, husky tone, like he just woke up.

I look up to see Jack on the other side of the case. Butterflies starting up in my tummy from just one look at him, but I shove them aside. “Hey. Give me just a second, and I’ll get that coffee for you.” I wipe my hands on my apron.
