Page 80 of Unsealing Her Fate

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“It’s okay.” She half laughs as we survey each other for a moment.

Even as I look at her, I know I’m not ready to talk to Charlie about this yet. She’s much too sweet for the hell I’ve been through.

“Let’s get to work!” I say, rushing away.

Charlie follows behind, muttering something I can’t make out. I’m intent on letting this heaviness go for now, and as the three of us settle into a routine, it seems they’re willing to let me.

Charlie and I work side by side like a well-oiled machine. We chit chat and laugh with each other like always. This feels so much better than the rage I walked in with this morning. Just as we get the last pan from the oven, Irene flips on the open sign. Customers pile in, most with bright smiles to greet us.

Jack rounds the crowd, making his way to the counter. I head straight over to make his coffee. I hand it to him and smile. “Detective.”

“Andi,” he replies with a smile of his own as he takes his cup. My heart rate ticks up a bit. His smile and blue eyes never fail to melt me.

I realize I’m standing there just staring at him like a creeper, and I shake my head to refocus.

“Irene offered to bring the bedding back over today and bring my stuff from the motel. Is it okay for me to start staying at your place? Um, I mean at the apartment, starting tonight?”

My cheeks heat at the realization that I keep correcting myself as if we both aren’t aware that I don’t mean I’ll be climbing in bed with him or anything. It’s obvious I mean the apartment and nothishouse, but I still feel compelled to correct my wording.

He smiles again, and my breath catches again.Geez. “Of course. Whenever you’re ready.” His husky words are like music to my ears.

“Ma’am? Excuse me, ma’am?” a customer’s words break my concentration.

I reluctantly pull my eyes from Jack to make eye contact with her. “Sorry, what can I get for you?”

She quickly rattles off her order, and I glance back to see Jack backing away from the counter to maneuver through the small crowd.

“See you tonight, Andi,” he calls back with a wave before pushing the door open to leave.

I get to work gathering the order, smiling to myself as I think about seeing Jack tonight.

I have to stop that… Don’t I?

The day is busy as usual. This little town’s citizens sure love their coffee and pastries. I’m always thankful for the busy days. It passes the hours quickly and keeps my mind off what sometimes feels like impending doom in my life.

I finish wiping the last table, and Irene comes out to announce the official end of the day. “Closing time, ladies. Let’s get out of here!”

Charlie lets out a loud, “Woohoo!”

I look over at her and find a big smile on her face. It brings one to mine as well.

After locking up and saying our goodbyes to Charlie, Irene and I climb into her car and head to the motel to grab my things before going to Jack’s. I make quick work of packing my few items and clearing out the room, careful not to forget the Chromebook under the mattress.

We load my things into the car and drive toward Jack’s home. With my key in hand, I’m already feeling stronger than before. It isn’t a far drive from the café to my new place; walking it daily will still be a breeze.

I’ll have new scenery to take in everyday walking from this direction, and it’ll give me more inspiration for new paintings, too. The thought of painting again brings me a different kind of happiness and peace. Feelings I long for.

Inside, Irene helps me make the bed before leaving to get my hair dye. She also wanted to pick up some essentials since I have a kitchen now. I’ve never been a great cook, but I’m more excited than I expected to have the option again.

I offered her some cash before she left, but she refused to take it. She said it would be my housewarming gift from her. Irene is rough around the edges, but she must be the kindest woman I have ever known. A mother figure even, much softer than my own.

Though Jack owns this place, as I look around the small apartment, it feels like it’s all mine. It isn’t as grand as the brownstone, but it sure feels more like home already, and I haven’t even slept a single night here yet.

I unpack my clothes in the small closet beside the bathroom. It doesn’t take me long since I don’t have much. Once finished, I decide to take a break. Now is a good time to do more research on Swank.

After fetching the Chromebook, I sit at the small table next to the kitchen. With the move and work I haven’t put as much time as I need to into looking for more evidence. Now that Christopher has reported me missing, it’s more important than ever.

If Christopher or the police find me before I can get the evidence we need to put Christopher behind bars, I don’t know what will happen to me. It certainly wouldn’t be anything good. I can’t think about that though.
