Page 15 of House Rules

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I have one of those rare moments, usually reserved for story-swapping at my transition housing, of guilt for being petty about my own situation. I usually think I’m the one who’s the worst off, and a lot of times I am, but at least I was never abused and no one in my family has actually died.

But then I remember I don't really have a mom, and I'm losing one sister the same way I lost my mom, and I'm about to be homeless too. Things might not be great for Addison, but she has a place to go home to when this is all over. And right now, we’re both away from the people we care about. My happiness may be in being alone, but Addison's happiness is in the ocean. "Why don't you go swimming?" I suggest to her.

"Oh yeah, let's go!"

"No, I'm gonna stay here."

"Oh." She looks out to the others in the water, several yards away, and any sounds are masked by the crashing of the waves, but she still whispers, "I can teach you how to swim."

"I can swim!" I snap, but I can't keep my laugh down. "It's this bathing suit. I think it's disintegrating."

Addison bursts out with the purest giggle I've ever heard from an adult. "It's a private beach, just take it off!"

A million thoughts run through my mind, about how that helper guy is standing right there and how private is this beach really and is that legal even on a private beach because we're outdoors, but instead I say, "No one else is naked, that would be weird."

"Honey, I'm not wearing enough fabric to make a handbag right now. We're all women. No one cares."

Skinny dipping.

I can't be a skinny dipper.

Although really, if I'm doing tattoos, people are going to ask for them in all sorts of places. I'm gonna be dealing with a lot of naked people.

I could be a skinny dipper.

I do it. I close my eyes and pull down my straps. "This feels weird," I breathe out, unable to hold it back.

"You have the cutest tits, did you know that? You should make an OnlyFans. Some guys will pay big money to see you just, like, eating dinner or drawing or vacuuming without a shirt on. Oh my god or tattooing? I bet you could make bank hitting both the real boobs and the ASMR crowds with the sound those tattoo guns make."

Yikes. Definitely not what I’m looking to get into. But I still stand and shimmy the bathing suit down over my butt.

"Ooh, honey, is that Ted who tanned your ass yesterday?"

"Yes," I grumble.

Two steps to skinny dipping. One is getting naked. The other is getting in the water. I race into the surf, although it's so shallow that I get a good ten yards out and am still only knee-deep when I hear a holler from Addison. I spin around.

It's not just her, it's all the girls. They’re all cheering for me. Okay, a lot of it is for my bruised backside, but the important thing is it's encouraging.

I stretch my arms out and close my eyes, letting the sun beat down on me.

I'm a skinny dipper.


I slip theblindfold over Baylee's eyes the moment she walks into the room, twelve minutes late in leggings and that same sugar skull hoodie from yesterday. I was clear in the invite I sent her that she be in the parlor at eight p.m. sharp, but I fully expected this from her and took the opportunity to lay everything out exactly as I wanted it while I waited.

I want to take my time undressing her. I want to savor her warm, bronze skin, sun-kissed to a copper from her day at the beach. I want to run my tongue over every inch of her, to take advantage of the privacy and the good lighting to thoroughly appreciate her body the way I don’t often get to because of my usual arrangement with Luke.

But then she starts bitching the second I’ve blindfolded her, and it’s all I can do to hold back from tearing the hood off her shirt and stuffing it into her mouth.

Jeremy is the first to walk in, and he's greeted with the sight of Baylee naked on my lap, her knees splayed over mine, her pussy stretched over my cock. She's currently chewing on a handkerchief loosely tied behind her head, which doesn’t entirely shut her up but is easier to pull down than fight a ball gag if anyone wants her mouth.

They do. Her throat was everyone's favorite hole yesterday.

Next to us is a table with a mannequin kitted out with some of my favorite gear. It's a game for the men, like pin the tail on the donkey. Torture for Baylee as she’ll be the one getting pinned, but a game for the men.

She's already getting squirmy, definitely not a fan of how I'm motionless beneath her, but I'm planning to be in her pussy long enough my dick wrinkles like fingertips in the bathtub. I need as little stimulation as possible.
