Page 17 of House Rules

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Steve isn't far behind her, but then Everett joins and adds the second clamp to her other nipple. He comes in her pussy and then lines himself up to pump the last couple jets in her ass. She’s so wet Crenshaw doesn't bother with the lube when he screws the plug in there. I didn't choose a large one, but I'm betting Baylee's never had anything in her ass before.

I don't know when the tears start to flow. There's so much bodily fluid between the jizz and the sweat and the drool that I don't notice until I see the dark spots at the edges of her blindfold. I bring her back to rest her head on the crook of my neck, and her whole body is shaking. A trail of spit leaks down my chest, but she nuzzles me.

This is so fucked.

I can't stop.

Paul delivers the crushing blow when he flips the setting of the bullet to a pulse and loops a chain between it and the clamps. The current that passes through it is nothing, safe enough that it could be right inside her pussy and it would be fine, but she jolts like she's on a live wire. I'm rock hard – and aching bad enough that the only thing keeping me from losing it is my job of anchoring her – but the pulse is enough to rip her right out of her head. She lolls on me, limp in my hold, only the low, gargled keen telling me she's still in there. She doesn't even react when Mike doesn't bother to nudge my dick out of the way before sliding in.

I have to curl my toes, clench my entire body, and bear down on her shoulder with my chin to keep myself together as his cock slides against mine. I'm fully aware that I'm dribbling cum like she's dribbling spit.

Last up is Greg. He stares at her, at me, at this fucking mess. I'm wondering if he's going to back out when he says, "I think your whore passed out, man."

My whore. She's covered in everyone’s cum for the second night in a row. She's stretched wide enough I could probably fist her for the second night in a row. I encouraged every man in the house to fuck her for the second night in a row. But yes. For these couple of days, she's my bratty little whore.

I slip one finger into the blindfold, lifting it just enough for a peek. She doesn't flinch. Yep, out cold. I settle it back in place and look up to Greg, to everyone else in the room. They mostly all stayed to watch the show. The only one who never stopped by was Luke.

"Is that a problem for you?"

The room goes completely still. I just told Greg to fuck an unconscious girl. This is one of those lines, the ones we say we would never cross for obvious reasons, but the rules are different here.

We are above the law here.

Then Greg grins and says, "Fuck no, it's not a problem."

Baylee doesn't start to wake up until after Greg finishes and I tell everyone the show's over, I'm gonna clean her up some and tuck her in bed. Once we're alone, I ease the clamps and the bullet away without disturbing her, but she cries out weakly when the mouth guard is freed. I spin her around on my lap and rock her back to sleep as I gently fuck that loose, filthy pussy of hers.

I don't take the plug out. That way when I come, it holds my dick in place for a while as my cum soaks into her womb and she sleeps curled up on my chest.


I don't understand.

I don't understand what happened.

I don't understand why all the men are targeting me so hard, I don't understand why they enjoyed terrorizing me like that or why I enjoyed them terrorizing me like that. I cried through most of it, thankful at least that the blindfold hid it. I begged them to stop, but none of it made any sense because of that thing in my mouth. I wasn't choked this time, but that thing hurt so much worse, and I couldn't stop the orgasms, and I know that's something that happens whether the girl wants it or not, and I didn't want it.

But I loved it.

And I don't understand.

And there was that moment when my boobs were getting shocked and I thought no, I can't handle this anymore, I'm going to die, but then suddenly


All thoughts quieted. It wasn't an out-of-body experience. I was very much in my body, but protected there. Safe and warm and I didn't understand what was happening, but it was okay because I was protected within my body.

Within Ted's arms.

I must have fallen asleep. Time jumped a few times. Ted removing the ring from my mouth. Breathing in the gingery musk of Ted's chest. The stillness as Ted's cock finally softened within me.

Lavender soap in a warm bath, Ted's body still holding mine. Freshly-washed duvet and a plush towel patting me dry. A comb through my hair.

Always Ted.


It's impossible to know how long I've been in and out for, but I eventually wake to find myself buried under blankets and stretched out alongside Ted, my head nestled in one of his few soft patches below his collarbone, on the pad of his pectoral, relaxed now that he's asleep. I have no idea if he arranged me like this or if I did this in my haze, but it feels good.
