Page 66 of Dark Creed

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“Do not insult her,” Creed’s commanding voice filled the air. I could tell based on how much louder his voice was that they were coming closer; they were walking down the hall now.

“Oh, so she’s still here, then? Pity, but fine. I’ll play nice.” Hailee’s tone dripped a mixture of annoyance and disdain, as if playing nice was the last thing she wanted to do. Still, a smile was on her face as she strutted into Creed’s room.

That smile faded the instant she saw me in the room, and she didn’t even try to hide her attitude when she whirled around to Creed and demanded, “What the hell is going on? What’s she doing here?” She folded her arms over her chest, cocking a hip. “My offer to play yesterday doesn’t apply today—unless you’re willing to make it up to me. It’s been hard these last few weeks.” Trying to get more money out of Creed, I guess?

Creed gave her a tight-lipped smirk. “That’s not why I brought you up here. This isn’t a business meeting, Hailee. It’s a social call. Sit.” He gestured to the chair facing the bed, which, until that moment, Hailee hadn’t even noticed.

“What the hell is this?” she asked, her arms falling to her sides as she flipped her long, blond hair over her shoulder. She wore a tight red dress, looking less sophisticated than me, but still just as beautiful. Her face was made up in perfectly contoured makeup, like always, and her lips had that perpetual pucker.

“Once you get comfortable, I’ll show you. I suggest you sit,” Creed spoke, a low growl accompanying his words. The hair on the back of my neck prickled at hearing him use such a menacing tone with her. Only a fool wouldn’t listen to him.

Hailee let out a disbelieving chuckle. “I don’t think I’m going to—”

That was all Creed needed to hear, apparently, because within the blink of an eye, he grabbed her by the arm and dragged her over to the chair. He forced her to sit down, pushing her ass down on the chair as he knelt in front of her and yanked something out from beneath it.

“What are you doing? What—” Even Hailee couldn’t stop him from doing what he did next, and that was fix her wrists to the chair’s armrests. Her shock at the turn of events made her initially not struggle, but once she realized what was happening, she started to yank at her wrists. “Let me go. What the hell is this? What are you doing?”

I was about to ask Creed if this was perhaps going a little overboard—you know, too much—but Creed answered her before I got the chance to speak, “You know exactly what I’m doing. Don’t be an idiot.”

As he fixated her ankles to the feet of the chair, she said, “I’ll call the cops—”

“No, we both know you won’t.” Creed sounded totally sure of that, and I had no idea why. Maybe because she was an escort and she couldn’t tell the police why she’d come up here in the first place? Or maybe it was due to the fact that Creed had what were probably multiple instances of her stalking him and trying to get into the building that he could use against her.

Once Creed was done, he straightened himself out and walked over to me, setting a hand on my lower back. Hailee watched with daggers in her blue eyes, the hatred she held for me only growing stronger.

“This is fucking ridiculous,” she said. “What is the point? You two going to fuck while making me watch? Please. That’s child’s play.”

“I think you underestimate my abilities. You’re going to be here all night… and perhaps all day tomorrow. I’ll decide when to let you go,” Creed growled out, his body turning toward mine.

My shoulder leaned against him. With one hand on my back, his other lifted to my stomach. He cradled me against him, looking squarely at me while I stared at Hailee across from us. She sat maybe five feet away; there wasn’t much distance at all between the chair and the bed.

Hailee barked out a laugh, but that laugh died toward the end, becoming something so obviously fake it was pointless.

Creed was slow to turn his face toward Hailee, and I’d bet anything he glared hard at her. “You know I mean every single word I say. Unlike you, I don’t say things just to hear myself talk. By the time you leave this room, you will understand that you’re nothing to me. You never were anything. You let yourself crave my wealth and me—maybe you thought you were becoming something more—but you never were.”

Her jaw ground. “No need to be a bitch about it. Why don’t you just let me go and we can both move on?”

Creed released me, moving to stand before Hailee. He was slow to sink to his knees, keeping about a foot in between them; he did not move to touch her, thankfully. I didn’t want to see any part of him touching her. “See, I tried that. I tried to let you go, but you kept coming around—and each time you did, you made a scene… and you were rude to Taylor.”

He stood, giving Hailee his back as he returned to me, hands taking my hips and jerking me toward him, my chest colliding with his strong, lean body. “This girl is mine,” his voice growled out, low and consuming. “No one will talk to her like that. I won’t let them.” He glanced at her over his shoulder. “That includes you, in case that was still unclear.”

I couldn’t even grin at the attitude he gave back to her; I was too busy gazing up at the contours of his face, the hard angle of his jaw and the dark stubble lining it. I had blinders on when it came to Creed; I was so in love with this man, I didn’t even care that this might technically be considered kidnapping.

But he wasn’t worried about it, so I wouldn’t be, either.

Creed’s dark eyes were on me in the next moment, locking me in place as he whispered, “Let’s show her how real sparks fly.” He’d barely gotten the words out before his mouth crashed down to mine, swallowing up any reply I might’ve had with his demanding kiss.

I closed my eyes, surrendering to everything Creed was, to all of the feelings rising up within me. I let the hunger in me loose, let the passion and heat inside me boil over. I let him take the lead, more than willing to follow him to the ends of the earth.

And today, the ends of the earth just happened to be his bed.

In front of an audience of one.

Chapter Eighteen – Creed

Taylor leaned into the kiss, her small body pressing hard against my frame as I took command of her mouth. I would make every inch of her body mine today and tonight… and even tomorrow, if that’s how long it took. And not once would I let Hailee out of that chair. Not to eat, not to piss, not to take a shit. If she wanted out, all she had to do was let the lesson sink in that thick skull of hers.

As I kissed Taylor, I spun her so that Hailee could see the consuming kiss herself. It must’ve been quite the sight, because she let out an aggravated huff of a breath and asked, “What do you want me to say? Do you want me to apologize to her, tell her I’m sorry for everything I said?” She scoffed. “Please. I knew something was going on between you two the first time I met her. This doesn’t bother me at all. I’m very comfortable here.”
