Page 72 of Dark Creed

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This was my forever. Taylor’s arms were always where I wanted to be, and between those thighs was always where my cock wished to be.

“Do you think she’ll leave us alone?” Taylor asked, her voice husky and coarse from the sex we’d had. She gazed up at me with such an expectant look, her pupils dilated from desire. I’d say she was still pretty high from her orgasms.

I gave her a single nod, one of my hands roaming down her body, between her tits, stopping when my fingers curved along her apex, pinching that swollen nub of flesh. “I know she will,” I whispered, my mouth lowering to hers as I kissed whatever else she was about to say away.

Now wasn’t the time to talk about Hailee. Now was the time to enjoy each other with no audience.

Chapter Nineteen – Taylor

Let’s just say, come morning, I was one sore girl. Like, I never knew certain parts of me could be sore, but the mere thought of sticking something up my vagina made me squeeze my thighs together in defense.

I mean, I loved Creed, I did. I loved being with him. Of course, I loved having sex with him. Last night had just been, uh… a little too much for the lady downstairs.

A lot of sex. A lot of cum. A lot of orgasms—and one particular orgasm that had been aided by none other than Hailee.

Yeah. Oops.

Honestly, I didn’t know what had come over me then. Maybe it was just because I had addled sex brain or something. Maybe I should’ve put up a bigger fight and told Creed I thought it was unnecessary for Hailee to, to use his words,clean me up. I hadn’t, though.

And then, after he’d escorted her out, he’d come back to me and wanted another go. Who was I to say no, especially when I wanted the same? Yeah, the next morning was when it really hit me, my body asking me what the hell I’d done.

I didn’t want to skip my classes though, so I still managed to get up, shower, and go. Since I had taken out loans for college, I really tried not to miss more classes than I had to, and missing them because of the previous day’s sex capades didn’t seem like a good enough reason.

Besides, I think being out of the apartment and away from Creed might be good for me. My body. You know, put the brakes on more sex, at least for now. Give me some time to recuperate before going at it like animals again.

It was… it was amazing. Really. Even with an audience of one, Creed had been everything I knew him to be and more. All I saw in that room was him. I never, ever thought I’d be fucked like that—and it wasfucking. Not making love, not just sex. It was wild fucking. Hence why I was sore.

But, I really shouldn’t be thinking of any of that right now. I needed to focus on current reality, which was me sitting in a huge lecture hall, trying to pay attention to whatever it was my professor was lecturing about.

I sat near the front row, so I was sure it was painfully obvious to the professor when I wasn’t paying attention. My only saving grace were the rows and rows of chairs behind me, full of students who also probably weren’t paying their full attention to this lecture.

Big lecture halls like this, the classes were usually tame. Pretty easy. Their tests were always multiple choice since there were so many to grade, and the professors pretty much stuck close to the textbook.

I did my best, which wasn’t much today, but that would be my secret.

When class let out, I got a text from Beth. She wanted to meet for lunch, said she’d buy a pizza and meet me at our bench. I was always down for pizza; what full-blooded American wasn’t? So, I texted her back that was fine, and I headed out of the building, toward the courtyard and the lone green area of campus.

The weather was pretty decent today, although it was a little chillier than usual. I’d worn a baggy sweater top and yoga pants. Anything tight down there was a no-go for a while, until my you-know-what wasn’t sore.

I made it to our table and set my bag down beside me. Creed had texted me, asking me how I was feeling, and I was busy texting him back and forth when Beth showed, pizza box in her hands. I set my phone down, looking up at her. Her black hair was tied up in a bun, no makeup on her face today.

“God, I’m tired,” she whined as she sat down. She pulled out two water bottles from her bag, rolling one over to me. She took off the lid and drank a sip.

“Me, too,” I huffed in agreement.

“I stayed up late binge-watchingShadow and Bone.”

I chuckled. “Haven’t you seen that like a thousand times already?” No way in hell would I tell her why I was tired. That truth would stick with me, and the only other person who knew would be Creed. It’d stay that way.

“Yeah, but Ben Barnes.”

“Ben Barnes what?”

Beth blinked, as if it should’ve been obvious. “Ben Barnes is fine as hell.”

“Isn’t he, like, forty years old?” I lifted the pizza box and grabbed myself a slice, biting into its warm deliciousness. Considering I didn’t eat much this morning or last night, it was heaven in my mouth.

“Yeah, but the dude is ageless. So yummy.” Beth picked up a slice. “Especially when he plays the bad guy.”

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