Page 82 of Dark Creed

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“The woman helping you today is Megan. I’ll go grab her from the front.” She gave us another smile and was off, hurrying away on her two-inch heels.

I was slow in turning my head toward Creed. “Where the heck are we going tonight?” This had to be for me; I hadn’t seen any men’s clothes anywhere. This was purely a women’s boutique.

A boutique. Was that what it was called? I had no idea.

Creed stepped closer to me, setting his hands on my hips and drawing me in to him. One of his hands lifted to my chin, angling my head back and forcing me to gaze deep into those dark eyes of his. “You’ll see,” he whispered, and then he lowered his mouth to mine, kissing away any other questions I might’ve had.

Seriously, even now, it was hard to think while kissing Creed. He had that kind of power over me.

When he pulled his mouth off mine, he added, “Choose whichever you want. You’ll be wearing it out of here.” He let me go just as a different woman strolled around the partition separating this area of the store from the rest.

I’d be wearing it out of here? I took that to mean we were going somewhere fancy afterward.

I mean, yes, Creed always dressed nicely. If he wasn’t wearing a full-blown suit, he was at least wearing dark slacks with a leather belt and a long-sleeved button-up shirt. He never wore jeans or t-shirts. He always dressed like he was ready to go to a work meeting.

The woman spoke to us, “Hello. My name is Megan. I’ll be helping you today. Would either of you like champagne?”

Champagne while shopping? Damn, this place was fancy.

I shook my head no, while Creed said, “No, thank you. A few dresses should be waiting already. I called ahead.”

The woman nodded. “Right. Of course.” Her eyes moved to me. I could tell the smile she wore was fake; working at a place like this, she was probably forced to smile through every single second of it. “Follow me. We’ll get started.”

I wasn’t exactly comfortable here, but the sooner we got started, the sooner we could be done. Hell, I was half-tempted to stick with whatever outfit I was given to put on first, just so we could be out of here. This wasn’t my kind of place, obviously. I looked like a bum compared to the other customers I’d seen.

The worker brought me to a changing room further in the back, where a few black dresses hung on the walls. There was no door to the changing room, just a curtain that could be drawn closed.

“Do you need help?” she asked.

“Um, no, I got it, thanks.” Having a stranger help me get dressed was the last thing I wanted, so once she left, drawing the curtain closed behind her, I started to take off my clothes, setting them on a small bench in the corner of the space. I left on my underwear and my bra, not sure if the dresses had built-in pads around the chest or not. Sometimes dresses did, sometimes they didn’t.

My eyes surveyed the dresses before me. Three of them, and they were all gorgeous. All black, varying lengths. One looked like it ended halfway between my knees and ankles, while two of them looked to be knee-length. All of them sheer, with no added bedazzlements. One had a weird kind of thing around the neck, the fabric tight around the neck while exposing some of your chest, right above your boobs—I decided I wouldn’t even try that one on.

I went with my gut, going for the slightly longer dress. It had two thick straps that clung to your shoulder on either side, a zipper that was on the left side of the dress, neatly tucked between the silk fabric so it wouldn’t be seen. It showed no extra bits of skin, no low dip in the back and no slit up the side near your leg. Its chest was padded, so I had to take my bra off in the end.

Once I got it on, I couldn’t even see myself in the mirror; these rooms had no mirrors. I guess I had to walk out and look at myself in the mirrored area in front of Creed.

I had no shoes on, but I didn’t let that stop me. I left the changing room, walking toward Creed and the worker. I could tell as I approached, Creed liked the dress, that he approved of it. He always got this certain look in his eyes, a hunger that only I could see, when I looked extra good.

It wasn’t often I wore fancy clothes. Even though he had money and could buy me whatever, I still stuck with leggings and baggy shirts anytime I could.

“Oh, my,” Megan spoke, clapping her hands together as she walked toward me, helping me up on the platform so I could get a good look at myself in the mirror. Two steps up from the ground. “You look beautiful.”

Staring at myself in the mirrors, at all angles, all I could do was nod. I did look beautiful, even with no shoes on and no makeup, even with my hair a wild mess. The black dress was simple and elegant, and yet it fit perfectly, clinging to every curve my body had.

“I want to go with this one,” I said, spinning to face Megan and Creed. Creed had stood, his eyes busy eating me up, while Megan had moved closer, inspecting me with a much more critical eye.

“Are you sure you don’t want to try on the others?” she asked.

“No,” I said.

“Grab her some heels,” Creed said, and Megan nodded once and walked off, disappearing. “You really do look beautiful,” he spoke, once it was just us. “Let me go get your clothes out of the room.” While he went, I waited. It took him only a minute to come back with my clothes in a neatly-folded pile and my shoes and socks on top. He set them down onto the sofa he’d claimed, and together, we waited for Megan to return with some heels.

In the end, I chose a glittery pair of black heels. The dress was simple and elegant, so I thought to go a little harder when it came to the heels. When Creed called ahead, he must’ve given them my size, because everything fit.

He paid, and we were out.

But that boutique wasn’t the only place we went to. We stopped at a salon, where they washed and dried my hair, styling it afterward. They also did some makeup on me—not much, mostly because I told them I wasn’t a huge fan of makeup in general.
