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“What are you going to do, huh? Kill me like you killed her? String me up right next to her so you can drain my blood, too?” Though my body wasn’t strong enough to fight him off, at least I sounded as mean and resistant as I’d hoped I would.

We made it to the pool house’s door, which Gareth unlocked with the key from his pocket. “Oh, no,” he answered, lugging me in once the door was open. “I’m not going to kill you, Brianna. You’re mine. Where’s the fun in that? No, I think I’ll have a hell of a lot more fun breaking you.”

“You’ll never break me,” I told him, baring my teeth at his back.

He pulled me through the pool house, through the kitchen area, and around the corner, where the locked door sat, the body of the chef dangling by her ankles just behind it. He tossed me a knowing look, as if asking me,Are you sure about that?

His body blocked out the pad, and he input the code into it. The locking mechanism made a loud noise as it unlocked, and he pulled open the door, holding it in place with his foot. Jerking me closer to him, he whispered, “I will break you. I’ll break you and build you up just the way I want you… and the fun thing is, no one’s going to stop me. Not you, not your whore of a mother, and not my uncle. No one cares what happens to you, Brianna. That’s what makes you perfect for me.”

The words hit me like bricks, causing all of the air to spill from my lungs. I couldn’t push him off me as he felt all around, his hands cupping my ass to find my phone hidden in the waistband of my leggings. He pulled it out and stuffed it in his pocket, his jaw set.

Gareth gave me one final glare, and then he threw me into the room. I stumbled forward, stopping myself short of the big, wide bucket-o-blood, and I whirled around just in time to see him close the door. It slammed shut, the locking mechanism re-locking seconds later.

The light was off, so I couldn’t see anything with the door shut. Still, I flung myself to the door, pounding my fists on it, shouting for him, “Gareth! Let me out of here! I swear I’ll—” My voice caught. I didn’t know if he was out there or not, if he had waited to hear me say anything or not.

Or, hell, if he could even hear me at all. It wouldn’t surprise me to know this particular room had been built soundproof for that specific reason.

My voice caught in the back of my throat when I finished, “I’ll fucking kill you.” My fists relaxed, my flat palms running down the cold steel of the door. “I’ll kill you.” That came out in a bare whisper, so soft even I could hardly hear it.

I think shock had finally taken its hold on me. I stood there for I didn’t know how long, in the dark, clinging to the door, wondering why the hell this had to happen. Why couldn’t my mom find a normal guy to marry? Why couldn’t I have a normal stepbrother? Why’d he have to be a damned serial killer?

Why’d he have to be an artist?

We weren’t alike, Gareth and me. No matter what he said. Sure, I might not shy away from death or blood, but that didn’t mean I was a psychopath just like him. I knew the difference between right and wrong. I wasn’t a killer.

I wasn’t. I would never be like him.

My heartbeat slowed, my breathing beginning to grow under control. I pounded my head against the door, goosebumps on my skin. The air in this dark room was cold. I supposed it was a good thing the lights were off, otherwise I’d be stuck staring at Emily’s body and all of her gathered blood.

The poor woman. She’d been nice. She definitely didn’t deserve an end like this.

How many people had Gareth killed? How many years had he been killing and getting away with it every single time? When was the first time he’d tasted blood?

I turned around, leaning my back against the door, and I sank to my ass, closing my eyes and wishing everything was different. Gareth wanted to break me, but he wouldn’t. He wouldn’t break me. I wouldn’t let him. If he thought he could own me like a toy, like some personal pet he could use however he wanted, he was wrong.

He’d never met a girl like me before. I’d show him that, right before I took him and his stupid uncle down.

I’d take them both down. I’d take the whole Montgomery empire down, somehow.

The more I thought about it, the more I thought about what they’d gotten away with, especially Gareth, the angrier I became. My skin might be cold, but my blood ran hotter than ever. If it wasn’t pitch-black in this room, I’d probably see red. I didn’t think I’d ever been more pissed in my entire life.

How dare he? How dare he lock me in this fucking room with a fucking corpse, all to teach me some stupid fucking lesson—if he thought I’d sit here and cower, he was fucking wrong.

Fuck him. Fuck Alistair. Fuck Montgomery Manor. Fuck this whole fucking place.

My hands curled into fists. I was downright enraged now, the anger building inside of me surely more righteous than anything Gareth had ever felt. I got up and started to pace the outer edge of the room.

“That fucking dick,” I muttered to myself. “I’m going to kill him. I’m going to kill him. I’m really going to fucking kill him—” Okay, I know I sounded insane. Maybe being locked in a dark room like this wasn’t doing wonders for my sanity after all.

What else was there to do, though, besides imagine all the ways I could kill him? At this rate, I didn’t even care if I got away with it. If I had to go to prison for murder, then that’s what I’d do. I’d destroy him like he wanted so badly to destroy me. Flip the script, turn the tables, make him regret ever believing he could own me.

God. I hated him so much.

I also hated myself for feeling like I did when I was with him. I should’ve stabbed him in the throat like I’d wanted to. Everything could’ve ended there.

I let out a frustrated groan, bringing my hands to my hair. The room spun around me, and no matter what I did, I couldn’t calm myself down. It felt suffocating in here, stifling, the air thick with spilled blood. The only reason the body wasn’t rotting was because of how cold it was in here. Ironically, the last thing I was worried about was freezing to death.

It was cold, but not that cold. My fury could keep me warm enough.

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