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Since I was alone in the dark, I let myself be loud. I started to moan, lost in self-inflicted pleasure, unable to snap myself out of it. I flicked my clit and played with my nipples, feeling my thighs clench together as my hips slowly rocked.

The pressure built in my lower half, soon enough becoming too strong to ignore any longer. The orgasm exploded within me, and I cried out, the muscles in my legs and arms tensing as I rode the high it gave me.

You’d think, after that, I would’ve stopped. You’d think that would’ve been enough to snap me back to reality and make me feel some sort of shame—but it wasn’t. I wanted more.

I couldn’t say what I was thinking. It was like my hand moved on its own. The one beneath my shirt abandoned the nipple it had been tweaking, moving to the ground beside me. My fingers felt the wet blood on the floor and the cold stuff seeped between my fingers, coating them. The hand that had been paying attention to my aching clit went to pull my leggings down further, and then I lifted my other hand and brought it to my apex.

I held my breath as I slipped a wet finger inside of me, then another. They were a poor replacement for a cock, but they’d have to do. They were all I had right now. And then, because I was absolutely out of my mind, I fucked myself with those fingers.

One orgasm wasn’t enough. I needed more. So, as I fucked myself with my fingers, my other hand returned to my clit. Every flick of the nub sent me spiraling. It was like I’d become a different person here in the darkness, unable to tell right from wrong.

The real me. The fucked-up me I’d always hidden from the world.

I mean, I was fucking myself with my own fingers using a dead woman’s blood as lube. You didn’t get much more fucked up than that.

Of course, this would be my little secret. I’d never tell Gareth this was what I’d done when he had me locked up. I’d never breathe a word of this to anybody.

I moaned when the pleasure became too much. “Oh, fuck.” The words left me in a tumbled rush, heated bliss surging through me again as another orgasm took hold of me in a chokehold. My body spasmed, my back arching. Every nerve in my body was on fire as my inner walls clenched and pulsated on my fingers. It felt so good my head grew dizzy.

Some people were afraid of the dark. I never was. I think I’d always known, deep down, that it was only in the darkest of the dark that I could truly be myself.

I just hoped I wasn’t wrong.

I hoped I wasn’t as bad as Gareth.

Chapter Fourteen – Gareth

Locking Brianna up was a last resort, mostly because if I didn’t do it, I’d want to kill her… and if I killed her, I’d lose her. I wasn’t quite done with her yet.

But, fuck, she pissed me off by trying to sic the cops on me. It was as if she’d thought she could get rid of me, that they’d lock me up and throw away the key or some shit. Please. As if anyone in this town would ever lift a finger against me or my uncle. We owned it, and we owned everyone in it, either literally or through blackmail.

My uncle wasn’t happy when I told him I’d locked her up, but he was proud of me for not slitting her throat and adding her blood to my collection. Small victories, I guess. But that left the question of what to do with Brianna; her mother couldn’t see her like that, not yet. Not until I knew for sure that she wouldn’t try blabbing with that sweet mouth again.

Fortunately, my uncle had a plan, and when he told me what that plan was, I tried to argue with him. “Don’t you think it makes more sense for me to be there?” I was in my room, laying on my bed, struggling with the urge to resist going to Brianna and fucking her against the body of the cook.

If she let her demons out to play, I’d bet she’d come to enjoy it, but that was neither here nor there.

“It’s quite obvious to me that whatever you’re doing isn’t working,” Alistair spoke. I could tell just by the tone of his voice he was annoyed. It wasn’t often he let his emotions shine through; usually he kept them hidden away from the world, including me. “I will get her in line, provided you do your part. We need Nicole out of the house for a while.”

I let out a sigh. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll do it. Just let me know when you land.” I hung up on him, not needing to hear anything else. He’d call me when they landed, which would tip me off to go to the city, where her gallery was, and fuck some shit up. That would get her out of the house. I’d have to watch from afar just to make sure she didn’t leave to head home before Alistair was done with Brianna.

Brianna thought I was bad? I might be a killer, but I was nothing like my uncle. Alistair pretended he was a good guy, all smiles when it was necessary, but he played the field better than anyone. He could flip a switch and become a totally different person within seconds. I could too, but he could be downright terrifying when he wanted to be. I’d learned a lot from him.

I didn’t know what he’d do to her, and I supposed I didn’t care. If there was one person on this planet that I trusted with Brianna, it was my uncle. He wouldn’t go too far; he’d go just far enough.

By the time they got home, Nicole would have to go straight to the gallery. Alistair would stop her from seeing Brianna—and that was if she even cared enough to try to see her daughter before she went, which I doubted. I didn’t get a very motherly vibe off her.

Brianna, on the other hand, would have been in that room all night and all morning, without food or water. She’d be starving and thirsty, and when someone was starving and thirsty, they were willing to do nearly anything to eat and drink. More malleable. She’d come to learn she couldn’t go against the Montgomerys.

She’d learn she belonged to me.

I went through her phone while she was locked up. Thankfully, she didn’t have the facial recognition on—and no passcode either, which made it all too easy. I read her text messages to Erin, the only person she talked to from school.

Hmm. As I scrolled through the messages, I found a few instances of Erin trying to come over. She wanted to come to Montgomery Manor. Each and every time, Brianna had come up with some excuse not to. I wondered if Erin wanted to see the manor for herself, or if there was another reason she wanted to come over.

Namely, me. If, say, Erin liked me, I could possibly use her against Brianna, get Brianna to be agreeable. Break her by breaking Erin, if I had to. I wasn’t above hurting someone else just to make reality sink in to Brianna’s thick skull.

Brianna belonged to me. She’d realize that, there was no question. The only question was… how many people had to die before then?

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