Page 8 of The Last Sacrifice

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There was no denying the aching throb of anticipation that pumped through his cock as her hands reached up and undid her bra strap. The decent thing to do would be to leave her to wash her hair. The tiny window in the bathroom wouldn’t fit a two-year-old, let alone a twenty-five-year-old woman.

She wasn’t going anywhere.

Yet he remained, his eyes glued to her as she undressed. The beautiful little witch had to learn that he was in control. That it was him that gave the orders. This far out of his own territory, he had to have her complete obedience. He must keep a firm hand with her. Too many things could go wrong.

The bra dropping to the floor, making him suck in his breath. His wolf laying just under the surface of his control, watching with fierce intent as her fingers faltered on the white panties. This was a lesson. Teaching her place.

Sure. And he was mother fucking Teresa.

“I’m enjoying the striptease,” his voice was huskier than he intended, “Nice and slow,”

The witch shot a well-deserved glare over her shoulder as she stepped into the shower. Her white panties molding to her backside, becoming almost see through as the water hit them.


Her ass was perfect. Full and round, it would fit his palms with some overflow.

A soft growl slipping past his lips, he forced his face into a mask of boredom. He wanted to touch. To run his hands over the smooth, pale skin. To pull the wet material down and push her against the shower wall. Her throat in his hand while he entered her with one hard stroke.

Watching the steam curl around her legs, the water gliding over her skin. Hyde resisted the growing urge to claim her.

She didn’t fucking belong to him.

His wolf rumbling through him in disagreement. For three weeks they had hunted her. Her scent, a calling card they had all but rolled in. Hell, it had even teased its way into his dreams, an intoxicating scent that called to the darkest, most selfish part of him.

A loud knock on the door making her jump. Her arms wrapped tightly around her body, and her eyes darted nervously as she looked over her shoulder.

It was one thing for him to stand here, forcing the issue. Hyde pushed off the door frame and gave her a lingering, intense stare. Enjoying the flush of color suffusing her skin.

He didn’t want any of his brothers to see her nude.

She was his to protect.

That was until he delivered her safely to his master. Who knows what the asshole had planned for her?

His lips curling in contempt at the thought.

Turning without a word, he stepped out, closing the bathroom door behind him.

Striding over to the hotel door, he adjusted the pulsating erection pushing against the zipper of his pants. He was going to need a long hard fuck or this trip back would drive him insane.

Opening the door, he gestured for Thorn to step in. Scanning the street once before locking the door closed.

Arms ladened with food, a bag stuffed with clothes hanging off his wrist, the enforcer made his way to the small table under the window.

“Any issues?” Hyde’s voice was all growl

“Not yet. The Black Rock Pack hasn’t been in town for at least a week. But we should leave anyway.” Dumping his load onto the table, Thorn adjusted his jacket. “Makes me uncomfortable, waiting for trouble,”

“We leave after we eat,”

Pulling the burgers out of their wrapping, Hyde dumped them unceremoniously onto the plates. The hot chips he poured over the sides of the plates. His head turning, hands stilling.

The water shut off. Ears straining for every sound. He couldn’t deny the heat that burned through him at the thought of her naked skin dripping with steamy water. Ignoring the amused look Thorn shoot him, Hyde grabbed the bag, crossing the room in a few strides. Knocking once before he stepped into the steam filled room.

With a fierce glare, Talia wrapped the towel tightly around her body.

She was fucking gorgeous.
