Page 93 of The Last Sacrifice

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“Leave” his voice almost a snarl as he moved into the room, inhaling deeply.

The police photographer looking back at the detective for confirmation, shaking her head at her boss’s nod. Turning for the door. Disapproval, obvious on her face as she moved past them.

“I meant you as well, Detective Parker” looking out the window, he nodded to himself. It was a perfect unobstructed view of the wedding shop.

Closing the door behind him, the cop stepped forward.

“I know you did,”

“Then why are you still here?” his voice was low, deadly in its careful pronunciation. His head turning to stare at the human who stood behind him.

“I have been spending years ensuring that people do not see your friends’ activities. I have covered up more murders than I’ve solved.”

Straightening, Hyde turned. Sliding the glasses off his face, he hung them off his leather pants.

“This better not be you asking for more money, because I am not in the mood,”

“Damn it Hyde, this shit is different” moving forward Frank gestured to the amount of police moving through the wedding shop below them. “This is too public, and it’s going to make the news. “

“If you’re going to deal with it your in your normal way, please tie a shiny red bow on it for me. This is way to public, to blame on gangland violence.” Running a hand through his thinning hair, the detective met Hydes red gaze with only the smallest of flinches. “It’s a fucking wedding dress shop. For crying out loud, my daughter was here last week,”

“Are you finished?”

“Whatever you’re going to do, to whoever this was.” The human gave a sigh. “Could you remember that I’m the asshole that has to sell it to the public?”

Nodding to himself, Hyde stepped closer. Forcing the detective to look up to meet his gaze.

“First Parker. You work for me, not the other way round.” His voice was little more than a growl. “Secondary, If I want to paint this city in blood. I would expect you to sell it to the public. With a smile, no less.”

His beast moving through him, he breathed in the man’s sudden cold sweat “It’s why your three children are in collage, it’s why your house has a pool. It’s why,”

Hyde tilted his head, inhaling the man’s fear. “Your oldest is getting married at the most prestigious church in town,” he said, enjoying the man’s widening eyes. Hyde then leaned in, his voice a whisper..

“But lastly, when I tell you to leave, you leave. No questions, no butts.” Letting a smile twist his lips, his red wolven eyes almost holding the man in place with his gaze alone, “A simple yes boss is all I expect”

Stepping back, he turned back to the window, ignoring the detective. He didn’t have time for fucking human politics right now.

His senses searching for the one scent he needed.

The mans footsteps sounding in the room before the door opened and closed behind him.


Letting down the thin wall between him and his beast that had been restless since he had received his healing. He let his wolf fill him until he was almost ready to change completely.

Running his hands over the chair, he kneeled.

His eyes glowing in the darkened room as he found it.

The scent of the would be killer. Breathing it in deep, he let his demon energy rise through his wolf, an unnatural power that almost fed on the scent of his enemies.

His focus unbreakable as he stood. It was time to hunt.


TALIA SAT ON HER BED, shivering slightly as she pulled the leather jacket around her. The maids had been and gone. Her dress was whisked off to be cleaned. A plate of empty food was resting on the table nearby. A hot bath had made her failed to calm her.

She couldn’t shake the feeling that something bad was coming. A sense of foreboding had settled on her shoulders. For what felt like the thousandth time, she wished she had her power. Then maybe she could figure what was coming. But Draven had been right about the Inquisition. Her grandmother was missing still, and they had just tried to kill her. Knowing it was best to avoid giving them another chance to track her down, she swallowed hard.
