Page 22 of Poison Pen

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“I guess my dad and her son were best friends growing up.”

“I thought you didn’t know anything about your dad,” I questioned, taking my own sip.

Violet was right; this was good shit. Score another point for Asher Dunn.

“Ididn’tknow anything. Until today, that is.” Violet nodded her chin to a stack of papers on the coffee table I’d missed earlier.

“What did you learn?”

“Honestly? Not much yet. Those papers apparently contain a ton of information on him, but I’m not sure I’m ready to dive into it yet, you know?” Holding the mug in one hand, Violet drew her knees up and wrapped her arms around them, making herself into a tight ball. Looking at her, I could see the heartache and confusion in her eyes. She looked small and vulnerable.

I hated it.

“Well, I can tell you from experience, dads aren’t always what they’re cracked up to be.” I was going for a laugh, trying to break the tense atmosphere we’d created with a little self depreciating humor, but apparently neither of us was feeling it, because I barely cracked as smile and Violet actually frowned, her blue eyes dark with sadness.

That wouldn’t do at all. But fuck if I could think of anything to say; my own thoughts weren’t exactly beacons of hope and happiness lately.

We sat in silence for a while, both of us stewing in melancholy and whiskey, before Violet blew out a heavy breath.

“Alright, enough about my news. What about you?” Draining her glass, she grinned at me. “What did Murray the Menace do this time?”

“You mean other than blaming me for a smash-and-grab someone pulled at the shop, then firing my ass for no good reason besides me having tits?”

“Theyarea nice pair of tits, babe,” Violet added casually.

“I know!” Squeezing my arms together, I bounced my boobs, making my cleavage dance in my bloody zombie shirt. “These are some stellar titties right here. If anything, he should have been begging me to stay. Butnoooooo” I drew the word out dramatically. “Murray and his band of merry men cut me loose at the first opportunity.” Finishing my drink, I slammed the glass down on the coffee table with a loud bang, making Violet jump, then laugh. “One day, Vi. One day, I’m going to have my own shop. A shop filled with badass, talented women.”

“Damn right, you are,” she cheered, raising her mug high before taking another big sip.

“Women who will never apologize to a man just for existing. Women who won’t have to worry about taking up too much space, or having their own opinions, or knowing more than a man.” Standing, I began to pace the living room, my blood heating as I continued my tirade. “Never again will I be forced to smile and nod while a man who severely overestimates his current market value mansplains shit to me that I could do in my sleep.”

“Jerks,” Violet called enthusiastically, climbing to her feet, only a little wobbly.

“No, when I have my own shop, it’s going to be a safe place for women to work. A place where they don’t have to worry about hitting any kind of glass ceiling, because, Violet, you and me? We’re gonna blow the roof off!”


Meeting Violet in the middle of the room, we shared a high five, both of us smiling like loons.

“That’s the dream,” I sighed, my previous righteous zeal waning. “I just wish it wasn’t such a hard dream to chase.”

“Ricki,” Violet breathed quietly, a small frown on her face.

“I just need a break, you know? Just one opportunity to prove to my family and everyone else who ever doubted me that I can do this.”

“Um, Ricki?” she called again, but I was too far gone to listen.

“Just one foot in the door and IknowI could make it work. Not just for me, Violet,” I implored, turning to her and catching her hands in mine. “But for you, too. For us!”

“Ricki!” Violet finally shouted, snapping me out of my speech.

“What is it?”

“I have an idea, Ricki.”

“Does it involve chili cheese fries? Because I could totally go for some right now.”

Violet laughed. “Not quite.” Reaching down, she picked up the stack of papers she’d gotten at the lawyer’s office earlier. “There are a few other things I haven’t told you yet.” A devious smile stretched across my best friend’s face. “Sit down, girl. We have a lot to talk about.”
